Define kernicterus. kernicterus synonyms, kernicterus pronunciation, kernicterus translation, English dictionary definition of kernicterus. n a medical condition involving a build-up of bilirubin in the brain and neural damage Collins English Dictionary
Definition Kernicterus is the pathological term to indicate the deposition of unconjugated bilirubin with a characteristic pattern in the brain causing degenerative lesions. Brainstem regions typically affected in kernicterus include the basal ganglia, especially the globus pallidus and subthalamic nucleus, ...
Toward understanding kernicterus: a challenge to improve the management of jaundiced newborns. Familial nonhemolytic jaundice with kernicterus; a report of two cases without neurologic damage Definition of the clinical spectrum of kernicterus and bilirubin-induced neurologic dysfunction (BIND). ...
Definition and History The termkernicteruswas initially applied to the yellow staining of thebasal gangliafound at the autopsy of severely jaundiced infants who died with severeerythroblastosis fetalis. Currently, the term kernicterus has come to be used interchangeably with both the acute and chronic...
the causal relationship of hyperbilirubinemia and kernicterus, though bilirubin has been demonstrated to be toxic to neural tissue at the cellular level. This calls for a holistic approach to kernicterus in neonates with or without known risk factors rather than strictly abiding by the definition. ...
Definition of the Clinical Spectrum of Kernicterus and Bilirubin-Induced Neurologic Dysfunction (BIND) Kernicterus, currently used to describe both the neuropathology of bilirubin-induced brain injury and its associated clinical findings, is a complex syndro... Shapiro,M Steven - 《Journal of Perinatolog...
(1978) Definition of a conjugation dysfunction in Gilbert’s syndrome. Clin. Sci. Mol. Med. 55:63–69 Ostrow, J. (1986) Bile pigments and jaundice. Ostrow, J., ed. Marcell Dekker, New York, NY Owens, D., and Sherlock, S. (1973) Diagnosis of Gilbert’s syndrome: role of ...
What are the causes of head injury? By definition, trauma is required to cause a head injury, but that trauma does not necessarily need to be violent. Falling down a few steps or falling into a hard object may be enough to cause damage. Motor vehicle crashes account for about 17% of ...
Shapiro SM 2005 Definition of the clinical spectrum of kernicterus and bilirubin- induced neurologic dysfunction (BIND). J Perinatol 25:54 -59S. M. Shapiro, "Definition of the clinical spectrum of kernic- terus and bilirubin-induced neurologic dysfunction (BIND)," Journal of Perinatology, vol. ...
Definition and History The termkernicteruswas initially applied to the yellow staining of thebasal gangliafound at the autopsy of severely jaundiced infants who died with severeerythroblastosis fetalis. Currently, the termkernicterushas come to be used interchangeably with both the acute and chronic fin...