Psychology definition for Just-World Hypothesis in normal everyday language, edited by psychologists, professors and leading students. Help us get better.
A coping resource is defined as a resource that takes effect only (or primarily) under specific adverse conditions and protects the well-being of people when they face stressful events (an interaction effect hypothesis). We will next present research that has considered BJW as a resource, either...
the former chef from El Bulli, the best restaurant in the world for some time. Adrià started his career as a dishwater but managed to change the world of gastronomy by bringing elements of other disciplines into cooking: chemistry, psychology, physics. He expanded his cooking ...
The hold of the continuous, as opposed to the discrete, over mathematicians and physicists alike has been extraordinarily strong and held up the eventual triumph of the atomic hypothesis. Planck, the man who introduced ‘quanta’ into physics, wrote“Despite the great success that the atomic theor...
Kelly G. The language of the hypothesis. J Individ Psychol. 1964;20:137–52. Google Scholar James W, Burkhardt F, Bowers F, Skrupskelis IK. The principles of psychology (Vol. 1, no. 2). London: Macmillan; 1890. Google Scholar Dewey J. In: Boydston J, editor. The later works,...
At the very least, there¬fore, the self can claim the value of an hypothesis analogous to that of the structure of the atom. And even though we should once again be enmeshed in an image, it is none the less power¬fully alive, and its interpretation quite exceeds my powers. I ...
to this question, but I guess a combination of neurodivergence (for example, for most of his life he slept 3 hours a night) and perfectionism/obsessiveness (he would edit every single comma, capital letter, italic and space from the reference list) could work as a preliminary hypothesis”....
It is a brief summary of approximately 300 words. It should include the research question, the rationale for the study, the hypothesis (if any), the method and the main findings. Descriptions of the method may include the design, procedures, the sample and any instruments that will be used...
"Your Highness, I have no need of this hypothesis." –Pierre Laplace (1749-1827), to Napoleon on why his works on celestial mechanics make no mention of God. "I choose a block of marble and chop off whatever I don’t need." –Francois-Auguste Rodin (1840-1917), when asked how...
27. Courville AC, Daw ND, Touretzky DS (2006) Bayesian theories of conditioning in a changing world. Trends Cogn Sci 10(7):294–300. 28. Cerutti DT, Staddon JER (2004) Immediacy versus anticipated delay in the time-left experiment: A test of the cognitive hypothesis. J Exp Psychol An...