Evolution of the number of total citation per document and external citation per document (i.e. journal self-citations removed) received by a journal's published documents during the three previous years. External citations are calculated by subtracting the number of self-citations from the total...
Under the leadership of Tom Clemens the JBMR achieved its highest-ever impact factor, reviewing times reduced substantially, and the new publishing agreement forged with Wiley-Blackwell generated significant operational and financial benefits. It is a privilege to inherit this legacy and, together with...
However, an area that hasreceived relatively little attention is the pain associated withepisodes of disease activity (f l are‐ups) and the impact of f l are‐up‐dependent and ‐independent pain on emotional health andpain perception. These relationships and their impact onoverall quality of ...
Customer satisfaction moderates impact of service quality on behavioral intentions of customers. Quality of service is an important element in determining the success of an enterprise service. Factor "satisfaction" depends on the service provider's ability to meet the norms and expectations of customers...
However, their findings are not tantamount to the conclusion that finance causes growth; but it may be that finance is only a leading factor.Levine and Zervos (1998) extend the work of King and Levine to include the independent impact of stock markets, as well as banks, on real economic ...
Today, basically, the main factor of creating of wealth and added value in organizations include human resource owner the knowledge or in other words the powerful human resources which can be achieved through training of employees.Keywords : Empowerment, Dimensions of empowerment, Empowerment process,...