总而言之,WeakMap对象的大部分使用方式都与WeakSet对象基本相同,它也不支持values、keys、forEach等遍历方法,这里就不再复述了。 那么到底这两种弱化版本到底有什么用呢?基本上,如果我们想在数据结构中临时存储一些对象的引用,但又不想干扰垃圾回收机制对这些对象本身的管理,就可以使用WeakSet和WeakMap这类数据结构实现...
使用Map对象:Javascript提供了Map对象,它是一种有序的键值对集合。与字典不同,Map对象的键是根据值来确定的,而不是根据引用地址来确定的。因此,当我们使用数组元素作为Map对象的键时,如果数组元素的值发生变化,键也会自动更新。 总结起来,当从数组元素使用键时,Javascript字典的键不会自动更新。为了解决这个...
const rewardTensor = tf.tensor1d( batch.map(example => example[2])); ***1*** const nextStateTensor = getStateTensor( batch.map(example => example[4]), ***2*** this.game.height, this.game.width); const nextMaxQTensor = this.targetNetwork.predict(nextStateTensor) ***3*** .max(...
function print() { console.log(this.name, ...arguments); } const obj = { name: 'mxin', }; // Function.prototype.__bind() console.log('Function.prototype.__bind()'); // 直接调用,返回原函数拷贝,this 指向 obj const F = print.__bind(obj, 26); F(178); // mxin, 26, 178 ...
Awesome JavaScript JavaScript
compare 0.0 and 0.00 values in javascript Compare IP Addresses in Javascript - Very urgent Comparing Dropdownlist Values in Javascript Computer name in Javascript application Concatenate text and variables in javascript alert box with a new line character conditional check on span Conditionally load one ...
This function takes in a dict, or more commonly called object in JavaScript, and returns a list sorted by the object's values. function sortObj(obj) { // Sort object as list based on values return Object.keys(obj).map(k => ([k, obj[k]])).sort((a, b) => (b[1] - a[1]...
letx=5;lety=x+7;// y is now 12leta="some text";// a is a string containing "some text"letb=a+" is here";// b is now "some text is here". Note the + has a different function for stringsletstuff=[1,22,333];// stuff is a three element array, with the values shownlets...
Object.values = obj => Object.keys(obj).map(key => obj[key]); which you can now use like // ['one', 'two', 'three'] var values = Object.values({ a: 'one', b: 'two', c: 'three' }); If you want to avoid shimming when a native Object.values exists...
You can change the MapView's background color. Possible Values:"average" |"color-burn" |"color-dodge" |"color" |"darken" |"destination-atop" |"destination-in" |"destination-out" |"destination-over" |"difference" |"exclusion" |"hard-light" |"hue" |"invert" |"lighten" |"lighter" ...