👜爱马仕铂金包 Birkin Bag的启蒙缪斯 Jane Birkin离世!R.I.P🕯英国女演员和歌手音乐家、时尚偶像简·伯金 (Jane Birkin) 当地时间7月16日在巴黎去世,享年 76 岁🕯。据《巴黎人报》报道,简·伯金因健康问题被迫取消...
自1984年起,Jane Birkin收到了Hermès赠送的很多Birkin Bag,她也陆续通过慈善拍卖,换取更多能够帮助弱势群体的力量。据悉,Jane Birkin从1999年开始使用的一款Birkin Bag即将在伦敦拍卖。 图/资料图片 从邦瀚斯拍卖行发出的图片可以看出,这款即将拍卖的Birkin Bag处处可见Jane Birkin使用过的痕迹,缠绕的红绳、宠物猫的齿痕...
Jane Birkin有一次坐飞机,跟旁边的男士抱怨有了宝宝后,找不到一只能装,好看,又做工精良的包,没想到他正是爱马仕的第五任总裁Jean Louis Dumas,于是以Jane Birkin的名字命名的铂金包就此诞生。 Dumas 送给她的世界上的第一只铂金包,以 10 万英镑成交,善款被Jane 全部捐给了日本红十字会用于地震海啸后的重建工作。
Jane Birkin ditches Hermes bag for sporranAIDAN SMITH
如果世上有个评选世界上最经典女包的大奖,哪个是你的心中的冠军呢?即使身价再高,还是有人为它乖乖奉上金钱,愿意排在求购队伍里一直到天荒地老,把它当成衣橱的终极梦想⋯⋯说到这里,若说这奖项颁给Hermès的Birkin Bag,大概没有人会反对。 由女神Jane Birkin 启发,它诞生了半个世纪,天文数字般的价格,但每个...
Jane Birkin’s Fashion Legacy. Jane Birkin, who died this week at 76, was one of those style icons whose legacy is more felt than known...
“A Birkin bag is a very good rain hat; just put everything else in a plastic bag,” is only the first. Photo: EMI On personalization:“There’s no fun in a bag if it’s not kicked around, so that it looks as if the cat’s been sitting on it—and it usually has. The cat ...
A Birkin bag is a handbag produced by French luxury retailer Hermes and named after the English model, actress, and singer Jane Birkin. First debuting in 1984, the Birkin bag (or simply “Birkin”) became a status symbol in the 1990s and has become known