登录馒头站点后,浏览器内按F12进入开发者工具———1:Network——2:HTML——3:刷新页面——4:选择第一个index.php——5:Headers——6:分别复制cookie和User-Agent即可 3、flaresolverr自动停止处理 flaresolverr运行后会检测网络连通性,默认检测链接是google,检测不通时容器会自动停止,需要增加一个变量将测试网址...
如题,登录站点不是提示cookie失败就是各种报错 送TA礼物 来自Android客户端1楼2024-01-07 20:14回复 夕夏为末爱 Veteran 9 你是不是flaresolverr识别失败太多次验证码被封IP了 来自Android客户端2楼2024-01-07 21:15 回复 shijie072 Extreme 10 添加站点提示cookie识别错误 来自Android客户端3楼2024...
Changes in Jackett to integrate FlareSolverr. This is not included in Jackett releases yet.FlareSolverr integration. Bypass Cloudflare protection#9028 Instructions to test the POC: Install FlareSolverr (it can't be installed in ARM yet) =>https://github.com/ngosang/FlareSolverr ...
Please use the search bar at the top of the page and make sure you are not creating an already submitted issue. Check closed issues as well, because your issue may have already been fixed. Please read our Contributing Guidelines before s...
flaresolverr:解决Jackett的一些网络问题 一,打开iStoreOS商店 下载,NAS媒体工具(nas-tools),qBittorrent,Jellyfin,Jackett(如果没有集成istore商店的可以通过docker pull自行拉取镜像) nas-tools新版必须要PT站认证才能使用相关功能,原作者删库转移地址了,我们这里使用2.9.1备份仓库拉取镜像 ...
Please use the search bar at the top of the page and make sure you are not creating an already submitted issue. Check closed issues as well, because your issue may have already been fixed. Please read our Contributing Guidelines before s...
[yggtorrent] FlareSolverr was unable to process the request, please check FlareSolverr logs. Message: Unable to process browser request. Error: Error: Maximum timeout reached. maxTimeout=60000 (ms) (Config)#10774 Closed jackettbotbotmentioned this issueJan 17, 2021 ...
similar services and Jackett is not able to solve the challenges. For these cases,FlareSolverrhas been integrated into Jackett. This service is in charge of solving the challenges and configuring Jackett with the necessary cookies. Setting up this service is optional; most indexers don't need ...
Check if FlareSolverr is configured correctly in Jackett, and is accessible in browser on the same device - https://github.com/Jackett/Jackett/wiki/Troubleshooting#error-connecting-to-flaresolverr-server Also, 'latest' is not a version. You can scroll to the bottom of the Jackett UI and fi...