Sign Up, it unlocks many cool features! text117.07 KB| None|00 rawdownloadcloneembedprintreport 0001: Mii 0002: apple 0003: orange 0004: pear 0005: peach 0006: cherry 0007: coconut 0008: durian 0009: lemon 0010: lychee 0011: mango 0012: persimmon 0013: banana 0014: bamboo shoot 0015: pe...
I am implementing spinner in a list view (Multiple Spinners) for different products with their images on left and prices on right. User has choice to select number (quantity) of each product. This work is going in a Class that extends from BaseAdapter according to my ...
On Chinese Cities Mitchell:“The biggest thing, looking back at my first week, was how big Chinese cities are. The Chinese phrase “People mountain, People sea,” is correct. In America the population density is much less. I like how there are so many parks with people dancing or singing...
Sketch had schoolkids craving cherries, blueberries, bananas and more. Trapper Keeper I bought my kid a #TrapperKeeper and I’m still as obsessed with the sound of the Velcro as I was in 5th grade in 1982.— Kara (@Karawith3kids) August 10, 2022 T...
The felt tips smelled so good that Mr. Sketch had schoolkids craving cherries, blueberries,bananas and more. Trapper Keeper I bought my kid a#TrapperKeeperand I’m still as obsessed with the sound of the Velcro as I was in 5th grade in ...