P:虽然现在身体不舒服,为了粉丝们我会努力接受治疗,早点恢复好。虽然我现在不在韩国,可是希望大家能让我在中国努力多多为我加油,我会努力的!出处:韩国INVEN。网址:http://www.inven.co.kr/webzine/news/?news=130735&site=lol 14楼2015-04-16 13:51 回复 ...
Ambition was one of the few pro gamers that had many notable career highlights. He was a LoL 1st generation player, the player that had the most successful position change, a Worlds champion, the oldest player to perform in the LCK,...
League of Legends: On the 11th of November(KST), the Finals of the 2017 LoL All-Star took place. The one to take the cup was the region that maintained focus all throughout the match, LPL. To prepare for the tournament,
ㄴThey're talking about everything that comes out of their mind lol. ㄴSuch a hard job isn't it? [Pause ends. Korea starts to dominate the game] Wow. This game elevated quite quickly... ㄴIt seems like the pause itself might be ...
之前dk输t1一堆faker粉丝嘲讽showmaker的因为去年世界赛把faker淘汰了输给LPL 有当年OMG那味了,现在报应...
赵乾熙(游戏ID:BeryL),1997年4月1日出生于韩国江原道横城郡,韩国英雄联盟职业选手,司职辅助,效力于KT战队。赵乾熙大学时就读于济州观光大学,学习游戏多媒体专业。2017年5月加入MiraGe开始自己的职业生涯,随后MiraGe更名为DAMWON Gaming。在2019年跟随DWG战队获得亚洲洲际赛冠军,在2020年获得LCK夏季赛冠军、英雄联盟全球...