channel dsk2: specifying datafile(s) to restore from backup set destination for restore of datafile 00027: /u01/oradata/stdby/in_ac_data.9090.810742665 channel dsk2: reading from backup piece /u01/rmanbak/fordg/standby_STD_20130323_neo57p0b_1_1.bak channel dsk0: restored backup piece 1 ...
这里你可以直接使用如下的方式进行 scp:scp oracle11@ /ogg/11204/xtts 我这里直接进行 ftp 传递,因为 scp 有问题,操作如下: 7. 将源端的 rman convert 脚本传到目标端 这里在传递文件的时候,将源端的 xtts 目录下的所有文件都传递到目标端。
分析:通过WINDOWS系统FTP上传下载后文件发生了变化,改用NFS传输后恢复正常 顺带下NFS的设置 服务器端: [root@dgserver stdby]# vi /etc/exports [1]+ Stopped vi /etc/exports [root@dgserver stdby]# vi /etc/exports [root@dgserver stdby]# /etc/rc.d/init.d/portmap start Starting portmap: [ OK...
Incremental backups have been implemented in UpdraftPlus in a way that is consistent with our overall philosophy. In particular, we do not use proprietary formats for storing data, and the feature works across all remote storage back-ends (e.g. Dropbox, FTP, etc.). No proprietary features ... It forms a base for furtherincrementalbackup or is used as a standalone archive(incremental backupsarenot available in the current version of the product). 它可为以后创建增量备份打下基础,或用作独立的 存档(产品的当前版本不支持增量备份)。
this utility is installed on the server where the database is hosted. SQLBackupAndFTP allows you to create a backup of the job and set what to backup, where, and how. SQLBackupAndFTP supports sending backups to FTP, SFTP, FTPS, NAS, local or network folder, Google Drive, Dropbox, OneD...
To local or remote disk or tape with BRBACKUP using cpio, dd, cp, rcp, scp, sapftp or an external tool (that is, without RMAN), then use RMAN to catalog the backup An incremental backup at level 1 to local disk, for which you always have to use RMAN, then copy to tape using ...
In theory, many methods for connecting to a file server are supported although onlyssh/scp/sftp, local file access,rsync,ftp, HSI, WebDAV, and Amazon S3 have been tested in practice so far. Once the installation is completed, we will exclusively usesftpin various scenarios, both to back u...
Add man pages for random, newliner, help, memtest, ftp. Mar 3, 2010 cmd server: only suggest a max of one pack per receive-objects cycle. Mar 22, 2010 lib/bup rbackup-cmd: we can now backup a *remote* machine to a *local* server. Mar 21, 2010 ...
$ duplicity scp:// ~/Downloads_restored To successfully restore a remote backup, the specified restore destination directory (e.g., Downloads_restored) must not exist locally beforehand.Create a Secure Incremental Remote Backup via FTP...