它简化了Gmail的界面,使你能够专注于浏览你的电子邮件,以最小的努力达到梦寐以求的 "收件箱零 "状态。 通过提供工具来管理你每天收到的大量电子邮件,你将能够。轻松地以最佳方式管理大量的电子邮件快速清理你的收件箱消除干扰 要使用该扩展,只需点击Gmail右上角的cloudHQ图标并选择 "打开简单视图"。当你完成了...
所以,我使用 iphone 的朋友,基本是在机子邮箱设置上直接输入所有邮箱账号,解决这个一站式掌握所有邮箱问题;而我这样的 Android 用户,Galaxy S5 到我手里,屏幕上就有一个自带的第三方 Email App,它集成所有邮箱服务。 也就是说,原来我们很多人误以为 Gmail 有或...
在我使用 Mac 的这些年里,我最喜欢用得也最长的邮件客户端当属 Sparrow。可惜被 Google 收购后就给关闭掉了,原有团队成员加入 Google 后一直帮助完善 Gmail 这款产品。据说之后的 inbox 也有他们不少人员的参与。 说到Inbox,我知道有些人并不太感冒,但也有人非常的喜欢。可惜对 Web App 更感兴趣的 Google ...
Editing signatures in Gmail can be tedious: you need to leave the editor, navigate to settings, make changes, and then come back to the email you were writing. With Right Inbox, you can make any changes you want from right within the editor window, so you can make edits on the fly. ...
If you have ever use Gmail with an email client, some settings can cause message to go missing from your Gmail.com inbox folder. This can happen if your email client download the email from Gmail and deleted it from there. In this case, you should set your email client to syn the emai...
re shopping online, booking a vacation, or just looking for an important email, Mailsociety bundles and displays your emails in a visually appealing way so you never miss that important message again. Simply login with your Gmail account today and start taking back control of your online ...
Mat Honan
When you delete an email in Gmail, you free it from the Inbox. It goes to the Trash label, where it stays for 30 days before getting deleted completely. Follow these steps to perform the delete operation: Step 1: Find the email or emails you would like to delete ...