Michael J. Wynne
Please include your name, best phone number, email address, and preferred preparer on theoutside of the envelopecontaining your documents. For peoplemailing in, please put your contact information in front of your documents. If you need a mailing envelope, please contact us and we will send on...
Illinois requires all LLCs to file an annual report with the Secretary of State’s Department of Business Services in order to remain compliant. This is meant to ensure that your LLC’s information and contact details (e.g., name, business address, registered agent, etc.) are up-to-date...
Note that an increase in the number of shares can affect initial filing fees, due to the franchise tax. Registered Agent: The name and street address of a registered agent in Illinois. The registered agent is the person to whom the state will send all official correspondence. Other provision...
The required information to fill out a vehicle bill of sale in Illinois: The seller’s name and address The buyer’s name and address A detailed description of the car, including the Vehicle Identification Number (VIN), make, model, and year ...
Certain of the more extensive revisions address when a taxpayer is providing a service (not related to real or tangible property) to a customer engaged in business, and the service relates to the customer's business activities. In this situation, the customer is deemed to receive the benefit ...
To claim a prize by mail, use USPS registered mail with a return address and send the signed winning ticket and a completed claim form to: Illinois Lottery Claims Department P.O. Box 19080 Springfield, Illinois 62794-9912 Keep a copy of all claim documents for your records. Download claim ...
If your registered agent office address can’t be reached, you could incur the wrath of the state. Failure to maintain a registered agent could even result in the forced dissolution of your LLC. Not having a dependable registered agent address on file could also result in you not receiving ...
Illinois Department of Revenue • Determines an equalization factor to make property assessments uniform throughout the state Local Governments • Individual taxing districts, municipalities, schools, fire districts, libraries, etc., set their levies, which are the amount of taxes to be collected ...
In fact, any organizer, manager, member, or employee of your Illinois LLC can be a registered agent for your business. But here’s some things you need to keep in mind: 1. Privacy. Your registered agent will have their address listed on the public record and be easy for anyone to ...