必应词典为您提供Hypholoma-fasciculare的释义,网络释义: 簇生黄韧伞;簇生垂幕菇;
gigantea (Hypholoma fasciculare, Phanerochaete velutina, Vuilleminia comedens, and Trichoderma harzianum) on Norway spruce stumps (Varese et al., 2003). They also observed that generally effects of biocontrol agents decrease over the years. However, T. harzianum inoculation on spruce stumps had a ...
资源名称簇生沿丝菌Hypholoma│fasciculare 种属:Hypholoma│fasciculare 提供形式:斜面培养物 安全等级:1 模式菌株:no 培养方法 培养基:14 生长条件:25℃ 【产品优势】 1、产品质量稳定,是为科研和 提供微生物菌种资源共享服务的专业平台。 2、国内首创封闭管包装,冻干后的菌株使用时添加配套的复苏培养基后迅速而...
照片 关于 小的海湾牛肝菌蘑菇(Hypholoma fasciculare)在老残余部分. 图片 包括有 工厂, 青苔, 没人 - 28109779
种属:Hypholoma│fasciculare var. fasciculare (Huds.) P. Kumm. 分离基物:子实体 提供形式:斜面培养物 安全等级:1 模式菌株:no 培养方法 培养基:14 生长条件:25 存储条件:定期移植法 保存方法: 传代保存法:培养基的浓度不宜过高,营养成分不宜过于丰富,尤其是碳水化合物的浓度应在可能的范围内尽量降低。
用硫处理一束, Hypholoma fasciculare,生长在树. 关闭硫磺一束,在森林里 免版税 扩展权限? XS 480x311px16.9cm x 11cm @72dpi 237kB | jpg S 800x518px6.8cm x 4.4cm @300dpi 582kB | jpg M 2152x1393px18.2cm x 11.8cm @300dpi 3.2MB | jpg ...
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The influence of two saprotrophes — isolates of iHypholoma fasciculare/i and iPhlebiopsis gigantea/i on the growth of thirty three root pathogen strains — iHeterobasidion annosum/i was analysed. Two methods were used. The different reaction in paired cultures among saprotrophe and pathogen...
Sulphur Tuft Fungus (Hypholoma Fasciculare),站酷海洛,一站式正版视觉内容平台,站酷旗下品牌.授权内容包含正版商业图片、艺术插画、矢量、视频、音乐素材、字体等,已先后为阿里巴巴、京东、亚马逊、小米、联想、奥美、盛世长城、百度、360、招商银行、工商银行等数万家企
Hypholoma subvirideis basically a smaller version of the better-knownHypholoma fasciculare, with a more southerly distribution. LikeHypholoma fasciculareit grows in clusters on deadwood and features a yellow-when-fresh cap, greenish yellow gills, and very bittertaste. However, the cap measures 1–...