hf 模型 api部署脚本 … Verified 229d9e5 Collaborator Shawn-IEITSystems commented Dec 29, 2023 LGTM. Shawn-IEITSystems merged commit 0f8d387 into IEIT-Yuan:main Dec 29, 2023 Sign up for free to join this conversation on GitHub. Already have an account? Sign in to comment Reviewers...
图片来自:free-images.com/md/ac01 使用LangChain调用LLM生成小故事 我们接下来用调用大语言模型来根据图片的描述生成一个小故事,但是我们不会直接使用大模型服务商的接口,而是通过LangChain调用大语言模型。LangChain提供了很好的抽象,我们想换大语言模型就可以切换,不需要大规模修改我们的代码。 不过要注意的是,不管...
api_base: https://uysneno1wv2wd4lw.us-east-1.aws.endpoints.huggingface.cloud # your hf inference endpoint - model_name: bce-embedding-base_v1 litellm_params: # no api_base set, sends request to hugging face free inference api https://api-inference.huggingface.co/models/ model: ...
然后以较低的save_steps运行训练命令。deepspeed train_freeform.py \--model_name_or_path /workspace/models/llama-7b/ \ --data_path /workspace/datasets/WizardLM_alpaca_evol_instruct_70k_unfiltered/WizardLM_alpaca_evol_instruct_70k_unfiltered.json \--output_dir /workspace/models/WizardLM-7B-Uncens...
Feel free to customize anything required by your lib everywhere you want. The only real requirements, are to honor the HTTP endpoints, in the same fashion as thecommonfolder for all your supported tasks. Editexample/tests/test_api.pyto add TESTABLE_MODELS. ...
How is Hugging Face on Azure different from the Hugging Face hosted Inference API? How do I deploy my models using Hugging Face on Azure? Are there other ways to deploy Hugging Face models?Ready when you are—let’s set up your Azure free account Start free AI-powered assistant Explore...
# 上面已经创建了一个 law_dataset_streamed # 这里再创建一个dataset law_dataset_streamed = load_dataset( "json", data_files="https://the-eye.eu/public/AI/pile_preliminary_components/FreeLaw_Opinions.jsonl.zst", split="train", streaming=True, ) print(next(iter(law_dataset_streamed))) fr...
Check out thefull documentation. Usage For some of the calls, you need to create an account and generate anaccess token. Learn how to find free models using the hub package in thisinteractive tutorial. import*ashubfrom"@huggingface/hub";importtype{RepoDesignation}from"@huggingface/hub";constrep...
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