HubFlow是适用于Git的GitFlow工具。它将您需要执行的大部分步骤转换为单行命令。 安装HubFlow 第一次安装HubFlow工具非常简单: git clone cd gitflow sudo ./ HubFlow的使用 可以先使用 git hf help 查看基本命令 usage:git hf<subcommand>Available subcommands are:...
Hubflow also organises occasional events, like breakfast meetups and evening drinks, which have been a great way to connect with others. It really fosters a sense of community that can be hard to find when working remotely.All in all, Hubflow has everything I need to stay productive and ...
远程管理对于边缘人工智能至关重要 将边缘人工智能概念验证( POC )大规模引入生产环境的过程要求您能够...
git clone ~/hubflow Add ~/hubflow to $PATH environment variable Usage Basic feature commands Official tutorial and poster License Terms HubFlow is published under the liberal terms of the BSD License, see the LICENSE file. Although the BSD License does...
classGitHubflowCommand(GitWindowCommand): defis_visible(self): s=sublime.load_settings("Git.sublime-settings") returns.get('hubflow',False) classGitHubflowFeatureStartCommand(GitHubflowCommand): defrun(self): self.get_window().show_input_panel('Enter Feature Name:','',self.on_done,None,None...
hubflow 分类:git 高圈圈 粉丝-12关注 -1 +加关注 0 0 升级成为会员
HubFlow: A Git extension to make it easy to use GitFlow with GitHub. Based on the original gitflow extension for git. - MeltwaterArchive/gitflow
HubFlow is published under the liberal terms of the BSD License, see the LICENSE file. Although the BSD License does not require you to share any modifications you make to the source code, you are very much encouraged and invited to contribute back your modifications to the community, preferabl...