data have been used to develop the methods and correlations integral to our software. Heat ...
Aspen Exchanger Design & Rating (EDR)是AspenTech公司推出的一款专业化的换热器模拟分析软件。Aspen Exchanger Design & Rating (EDR)通过使用严格的 阅读27 Aspen HTFS Aspen HTFS是Aspen Technology开发的一个流体传热和流量计算软件。它提供了完整的工业流体传热计算的能力,包括热交换器的设计、模拟和优化,以及...
为了充分利用设计软件,人们需要了解固定管板式换热器分类,比如换热器组件,管程布局,折流板位置,压降,以及平均气温差异 Thermal design of shell-and-tube heat exchangers (STHEs) is done by sophisticated computer software. However, a good understanding of the underlying principles of exchanger design is needed...
Prof. Tausif M ShaikhProf. Navneet PrajapatiKunjal Patel
HTRIsoftwareareproposedto selectandcomparetheplateheatexchangersunderoceanconditions TheresultsshowthattheHTRImethodcansignificantly improvethecalculatione f iciencyofheatexchangerselectionandreducethecalculatione r orintheselectionprocess Keywords HTRI ; ocean thermal energy conversion ; plate heat exchanger ; ...
关键词:管壳式换热器;选型;HTRI &调整 中图分类号:TQ051.5 文献标志码:A 文章编号= 1007-7804(2018)02-0017-04 doi:10. 3969/j. issn. 1007-7804. 2018. 02. 005 Applicationof HTRI Software inthe Designof LNG Tubular and Shell Heat Exchanger YANGShaoyue,Y U Y ifa n,SUN Shufei,CUI ...
In this present work we focused on design and optimization of shell and tube heat exchanger using HTRI software. Todesign shell and tube heat exchanger we were use Design methods, 1) Kern method 2) Bell-Delaware methodProf. Tausif M Shaikh...
Keywords: heat transfer;HTRI software;heat exchanger design 传热学是高校中开设过程装备与控制工程专业的学生所必须 学习的一门核心理论课程,其所讲述内容涉及生产生活中与热传 递相关的一切领域,主要介绍了传热的理论、实验及应用,是一 门理论及应用性均很强的核心课程[1-2]。伴随着近些年来我国工业 化进程...