5 How to save generated kube config to .kube/config 3 Kubelet Configuration 4 Kubectl how to connect to config file 0 Kubernetes env-file 1 Generating a new conf files on Kubeadm 1.13.12 4 How can I use an alternative kubeconfig file? 2 How can I start kube-controller-manage...
Now you want to extract a cluster’s information to a portable kubeconfig file that only has the parts you need to connect to that cluster. Run: KUBECONFIG=$HOME/.kube/config kubectl config view \ --minify --flatten --context=context-1 > $HOME/.kube/config-context-1 # # using --...
kube-api-auth微服务是为授权集群端点提供用户认证功能而部署的。当你使用kubectl访问下游集群时,集群的 Kubernetes API server 会使用kube-api-auth服务作为 webhook 对你进行身份验证。 在集群配置期间会部署/etc/kubernetes/kube-api-authn-webhook.yaml文件,并使用--authentication-token-webhook-config-file=/etc/kub...
当你想在没有 Rancher 的情况下使用kubectl访问这个集群时,你需要使用这个上下文。 假设kubeconfig 文件位于~/.kube/config: kubectl --context <CLUSTER_NAME>-fqdn get nodes 直接引用 kubeconfig 文件的位置: kubectl --kubeconfig /custom/path/kube.config --context <CLUSTER_NAME>-fqdn get pods 直接...
Create kube directory and copy /etc/kubernetes/admin.conf file from k8s-master-1 node to $HOME/.kube/config , $ mkdir -p $HOME/.kube $ scp root@ $HOME/.kube/config $ sudo chown $(id -u):$(id -g) $HOME/.kube/config ...
Step 3:Now, we need to download the clusterkubeconfigto our location workstation. The following command generates thekubeconfigand adds it to the~/.kube/configfile. gcloud container clusters get-credentials demo-gke --region=us-central1
However, there is no equivalent command to restart pods in Kubernetes, especially if there is no designated YAML file. The alternative is to use kubectl commands to restart Kubernetes pods. The Kubectl Set Env Command One way is to change the number of replicas of the pod that needs restartin...
kubelet, the primary node agent that interacts with kube-apiserver to manage Pods and containers on a node. cAdvisor, a node agent that discovers running containers and collects their CPU, memory, filesystem, and network usage metrics.
-bash-4.2$ kubectl logs -f chaos-monitor-6c7694d5b4-gmqr4 -n litmus W0518 12:55:01.419135 1 client_config.go:541] Neither --kubeconfig nor --master was specified. Using the inClusterConfig. This might not work. I0518 12:55:01.419443 1 ma...
Under theACTIONSfield, click theDownload kubeconfiglink in order to download the yaml file: Save it asconfig.ymlin the current working directory. Install the dashboard on a Kubernetes cluster Once the configuration is saved as “config.yml”, This command can be used to setup the...