本文介绍如何使用 SQL Server 配置管理器、SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS)、命令提示符中的 net 命令、Transact-SQL 或 PowerShell 在 Windows 上启动、停止、暂停、恢复或重启 SQL Server 数据库引擎、SQL Server 代理或 SQL Server Browser 服务。
在SSMS 的物件總管中,選取 [SQL Server Agent]、選取 [作業],接著按一下滑鼠右鍵並選取 [將 SSIS 作業移轉至 ADF]。 登入Azure,選取 [Azure 訂閱]、[Data Factory] 和 [Integration Runtime]。 Azure 儲存體是選擇性的,如果要移轉的 SSIS 作業具有 SSIS 檔案系統套件,則會在套件位置對應步驟中使用 Azure...
SQLBackupAndFTPtool has all features for the regular database restore process on the test server without overloading the production server. To set regular copping into a test environment you have to create a backup job on the production server and a restore job on the test server. Backup job...
Parameters that are listed for a SQL Server component are specific to that component. SQL Server Agent and Browser parameters are applicable when you install the SQL Server Database Engine. Installation Parameters Upgrade Parameters Repair Parameters Rebuild System Database Parameters Uninstall Param...
Parameters that are listed for a SQL Server component are specific to that component. SQL Server Agent and SQL Server Browser parameters are applicable when you install the SQL Server Database Engine. Installation Parameters SysPrep Parameters Upgrade Parameters Repair Parameters Rebuild System Data...
Customize email message - SQL Server Agent Data Archiving/Purging process Data conversion from non-unicode character to unicode character Data Pump Data Truncated using FOR XML PATH Data type equivalent in T-SQL for the CLOB data type in PL-SQL - SQL Server 2012 and superior Data Type for sav...
Install the certificate on the server. Enable encrypted connections in SQL Server. Enable encryption on the client. Pay extra attention for a clustered environment (see below). SQL Server Certificate Requirements The first step to secure the connections is to obtain a security certificate. There are...
[Forum FAQ] How do I disable all subscriptions without disabling Reporting Services and SQL Server Agent? [Report]Impact of activating "Use a single transaction when processing the queries" [rsFieldReference] The Value expression for the textbox ‘All_Custom_CPI_1’ refers to the field ‘All...
$ sudo apt-get install mssql-server mssql-tools unixodbc-dev -y 4.Run the configuration script as in the previous case: $ sudo /opt/mssql/bin/mssql-conf setup SQL Server Setup on Linux 5.Choose“Yes”when prompted to accept the license terms forMS SQL Tools: ...
SQL Server Management Studio(SSMS) SSMA 7.3 for MySQL Make sure that theSQL Server Agent Service is started SSIS andSSDTinstalled For SSMA, you need to have the .NET framework installed. In Windows Server, go to Server Manager, and select the Add roles and features: ...