All elaborations were performed using XLStat software, version 2016.3 (Addinsoft, Paris, France), after which results and figures were treated in Microsoft Excel. Results of the ANCOVA were expressed as coefficients of the model, and were estimated for all numerical factors as well as for each ca...
which we will add in a moment. Get this launcher by downloading the latestLwjgl distribution. It's 2.7.1 as I write it. Copylwjgl-2.7.1/jar/lwjgl_util_applet.jarto yourappletdir.
On top of user-friendly dialog boxes, XLSTAT offers the possibility to instantly launch a wide range of analyses using simple functions within an Excel spreadsheet. This allows you to benefit from XLSTAT algorithms while linking Excel cells and performing simple or complex Excel operations. Available...
It is very important to verify that you have an up-to-date Microsoft Excel version, if you want XLSTAT to work properly. If you are on Windows: When you are in Microsoft Excel, click on File, then go to Account. From there you will be able to check if you have an available update...