whetheritbeorangegazanias, 到紫艳艳的露水花 purpledewflowers, 再到红彤彤的球状豌豆花 ortheredballoonpeaplant. 花的颜色并非随机而来 Anditwasntrandom. 许多花都会利用不同的颜色去吸引昆虫 Manyusedadifferentspecificcolourtoattractinsects. 这样有的放矢 Theybecametargets,usinginsectstotransfer 即使距离很远昆虫...
Plant two to three seeds every 24 to 36 inches along a row. Push each seed 1 inch deep in the soil. Alternatively, plant five to six seeds per hill, with multiple hills spaced 48 inches apart. When seedlings grow 2 to 3 inches tall, thin them out to two to three plants per hill....
Shelling or peeling sunflower seeds is simple to do, but it can be time-consuming. Sunflowers (Helianthus annuus) bloom spectacularly during the summer months, producing their characteristic daisy-like flowers just a couple of months after the seeds sprout. The flowers eventually mature into...
Green beans, also called snap beans or string beans, are usually harvested when the pods are still tender for fresh use. Green beans can also be harvested once the seeds inside have fully formed and used as a dry bean in recipes or you can save these seeds to replant in the garden the...