This name generator will give you 10 random names fit for the trolls in the Homestuck universe.Homestuck is a webcomic created entirely by Andrew Hussie, which you can check out by clicking here. Homestuck is about a group of teenagers who accidentally cause the end of the world by ...
他探索这块土地,开始与某些Trolls交流。Terezi哄骗John在早期就去挑战这个星球的永住者,这导致一条John死去的时间线的诞生。Dave最终及时赶到并阻止了他。那个死去的John后来在梦境泡泡中遇到了死去的Vriska,他们在分离之前进行了约会。这个John最终被Lord English杀死。尽管Terezi骗了他,他还是选择相信她,然后飞到了第...
4. 所有奥托世团体都掌握奥托世地外语言,口语上各有差异,而书面上基本一致;trolls和kids的语言本质上都是英语,但与奥托世地外语言正好相反,troll和人类使用的字母表不同,但显然互相之间能完全听懂毫无压力 5. 七圣每人有各自的标志性武器,与kids和trolls一致 6. 沃无徒和吞噬者的目标是摧毁现实,Lord English的...
在这之间这4个孩子遇到了12个trolls(以12星座为主题,trolls在homestuck里是一个外星人的种族)这些troll们原来也玩过这款叫SBURB的游戏,但是就在他们要领取完成游戏的奖励时却被一个叫Jack Noir的人干扰了,所以12个troll们只能跑到一个其他星球上来避难,John他们要来不断的升级和修炼自己来赢这游戏来救自己的世界...
The trolls are players from the planet of Alternia in another universe, who played a session of Sburb (or, as they called it, Sgrub) long ago in the past. Trolls are an interplanetary alien race with a vastly different and yet similar culture to humans. Trolls' guardians are creatures ...
·大多数trolls居住在不受阳光照射的地方·trolls们睡在蛹里(可以自己设计)<可以参考原作的居住地> 2楼2013-01-06 19:48 收起回复 湯陽 Rogue 12 神化:heir,seer,knight,thief,maid,prince,page,sylph,rogue,witch,mage,bard是神化阶级(决定服装造型)breath,light,time,space,life,void,heart,mind,hope,...
Fandoms are actually aliens in disguise (maybe even trolls) that see the human's culture and try to be the characters and copy everything about them. The only reason why the Pre-Scratch humans have more than 5 players is because Homestuck Fandom teleported himself to Earth as a baby and ...
大家有自己的Fan ..回复 丘比w :恩,大部分吧XD 妹纸是超级洁癖, 带双层手套(里面蓝色(血色)防水 外面是耐用材质)自己每天在家大扫除和整理东西)从不邀请别人到自己家,一见到脏东西就心里发慌+小量出汗身上如果布满脏
Homestuck character theme songs (all kids & trolls) 233Isaac 343 8 【toby fox黑历史】【homestuck】跟megalovania放在一个专辑的还有什么?toby fox给homestuck所作曲(3) BIEBOR-H_WANYIS 1535 0 Homestuck Vol. 10 (FULL ALBUM) 233Isaac 750 3 ...
我好想翻译有alpha trolls出来的那两个flash里的人物对话但是截图好麻烦@A@ 虽然说我质量可以保证但是平时没时间……可能要到寒暑假 来自手机贴吧7楼2013-12-10 00:06 收起回复 汗ACG凌影大爱 Bucket 2 我可以帮忙=w=我基友超爱homestuck。。。然后。。。就木有然后了。。。 8楼2013-12-20 06:11 收起...