Adventure Map & Log A visual key to the Acts and Parts of Homestuck, and a chronological log of every page. Want to know more? Confused? Disoriented? Yes! Check out the Homestuck Wiki on FANDOM. Another great guide is The Acts & Pages of Homestuck. ART CREDITS | SOUND CREDITS Contacts...
哦对了,购买专辑后是有一些特殊曲目的,比如彩蛋曲,我没买,这点就比较遗憾了。Vol. 1 2https:// 文章度度不鸽772253 此专栏为之后视频合集服务 所有专辑排序:(数据来源 (2009) Homestuck Vo...
(不会有人认为我是从油管上下载然后传上来的吧,我没法忍受可能被别人悄悄更改过的视频,而且下载视频还更麻烦)收录曲目的数据来源 我只收Bandcamp上的官方专辑曲,未使用曲目、音频测试什么的我不收录,而且已经有过收录了: 收录的专辑: Vol. 7-8 (with ...
Although most of the adventure is still created with animated gifs, there are still occasional Flash updates which take the form of movies or even interactive minigames, and include music. The game of Homestuck is shown to have two discs. The first disc lasts until the END OF YEAR TWO. ...
求三连啦 来源: 第一弹:BV17V411U7KW 第二弹:BV1cD4y1m7hk 49 16 38 缓存 分享 相关推荐 评论5 3.1万 136 28:53 App Toby Fox的未发行曲目~ 1.8万 191 10:07 App Toby fox很兴奋… 13.3万 367 3:07...
“Vriska”是由 Terin 建议的而“Serket”是由Chin Music建议的。 Vriska 是“Vrishchika”的缩写,天蝎座的印地语名称,或者可能与梵文中的蝎子“Vṛścika”有关,但也可以指 Kalpavriksha(印度教、耆那教、佛教中的神树,位于第四脉轮下方)。 据说这棵树可以满足积极和消极的愿望,与 Vriska 个性的二元性相对...
Miraheze wiki: Tumblr Development Blog: Minestuck is a mod for Minecraft that adds game elements from the webcomic Homestuck into Minecraft. As of right now, it's strongly recommended to have read at least the first...
Miraheze wiki: Tumblr Development Blog: Minestuck is a mod for Minecraft that adds game elements from the webcomic Homestuck into Minecraft. As of right now, it's strongly recommended to have read at least the first...
所有专辑排序:(数据来源 (2009) Homestuck Vol. 1 (2009) Homestuck Vol. 2 (2009) Homestuck Vol. 3 (2010) Midnight Crew: Drawing Dead (2010) Homestuck Vol. 4 (2010) Homestuck Vol. 5 (2010) Alternia(from Toby Fox)