目前ACCA与HKICPA这两项证书是并不互免的,在协议还在有效期时,ACCA只要加2门考试就可以成为HKICPA。HKICPA官网发布的文件分为三个阶段,具体如下:①Mutual Recognition Agreement(Old MRA)(May 2000 to 30 June 2005)②Agreement for Recognition Arrangements(ARA)(1 July 2005 to 30 June 2010,renewed from 1 ...
第一情况 Mutual Recognition Agreement (Old MRA) (May 2000 to 30 June 2005)内容简单来说就是,考...
Based on themutual recognition agreement (MRA相互承认协议), the Institute grants exemptions to a large part of the Institute’s QP to members of the corresponding accounting body. Members of these bodies still need to take the non-exempt part(s) of the Institute’s examinations and meet practi...
● Mutual Recognition Agreement (New MRA) (1 July 2015 to 30 June 2020)也就是说,ACCA豁免HKICPA后,可以直接豁免CICPA。为什么?因为ACCA与其他CPA豁免不同在于,ACCA豁免的是hkicpa的基础科目,而HKICPA必考的是4+1科目,所以对于豁免政策上没有冲突。什么样的ACCA会员,才能豁免HKICPA?根据HKICPA官方文件说明...
Mutual Recognition Agreement (New MRA) (1 July 2015 to 30 June 2020) ARA与New MRA实质是是一样的,差异在于有效时间不同。 可以大致阐述为: HKICPA会员申请ACCA会员,不需要参加任何考试,ACCA会员申请HKICPA会员可以豁免部分考试,但必须要满足相应的条件。
通过资格获得某证书的不符合Mutual Recognition Agreements的资格。这包括MOUZHENGSHU 在任何时候可能已经或...
Mutual Recognition Agreement (New MRA) (1 July 2015 to 30 June 2020) ARA与New MRA实质是是一样的,差异在于有效时间不同。 删除 (选填) 图片描述 删除 (选填) 图片描述 可以大致阐述为: HKICPA会员申请ACCA会员,不需要参加任何考试,ACCA会员申请HKICPA会员可以豁免部分考试,但必须要满足相应的条件。
Mutual Recognition Agreement between Hong Kong and U.S. The mutual recognition agreement (MRA) was first signed between the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants (HKICPA) and the U.S. International Qualifications Appraisal Board (IQAB) representing the National Association of State Board...
目前ACCA与HKICPA这两项证书是并不互免的,在协议还在有效期时,ACCA只要加2门考试就可以成为HKICPA。HKICPA官网发布的文件分为三个阶段,具体如下: ①Mutual Recognition Agreement(Old MRA)(May 2000 to 30 June 2005) ②Agreement for Recognition Arrangements(ARA)(1 July 2005 to 30 June 2010,renewed from 1...
Mutual Recognition Agreement (New MRA) (1 July 2015 to 30 June 2020)。 第一情况 Mutual Recognition Agreement (Old MRA) (May 2000 to 30 June 2005) 内容简单来说就是,考生在2004年8月15日前注册并完成考试的ACCA会员,不需要参加aptitude ...