针对您提出的问题,关于使用hijri_converter库将伊斯兰历1311年转换为公历时遇到的“date out of range”错误,以下是我根据给出的提示进行的分点回答: 确认hijri_converter库是否支持所输入的伊斯兰历年份(1311年): 通常,不同的库对于日期范围的支持会有所不同。首先,您应该检查hijri_converter库的官方文档或源代码...
•Converts date from Gregorian to Hijri date. •Converts date from Hijri to Gregorian date. •Displays todays Hijri and Gregorian dates. •The remaining days for the main Hijri Events such as Ramadan, Eid(s) and Hajj Season You can also use this application to calculate the following...
from hijridate import Hijri, Gregorian # Convert a Hijri date to Gregorian g = Hijri(1403, 2, 17).to_gregorian() # Convert a Gregorian date to Hijri h = Gregorian(1982, 12, 2).to_hijri()DocumentationPlease refer to https://hijridate.readthedocs.io for complete documentation on this ...
getMonth() + 1, // Month number in Javascript Date API is zero-based. day: date.getDay(), }); console.log(hijriDate); // { year: 1444, month: 7, day: 15 } // or ESModules import { hijriToGregorian } from '@tabby_ai/hijri-converter'; const gregorianDate = hijriToGregorian(...
DateConverter.zip Introduction The Lunar (Hijri) calendar is very important for Muslims as is the Solar (Gregorian) calendar important because the Lunar calendar was related to some elements of worship. So I looked at many sites on the internet to understand how to calculate the age of th...
To find out thedate according to the Islamic Calendar,you can consult the followingDate Converter for the Islamic Calendar. Was this Helpful ? YesNo Share this: Facebook Twitter Pinterest Email Print
Add calendar entries to receive birthday reminders. Create the calendar entries in the Gregorian date format, and the app with automatically keep track of the Hijri (Misri) date, and send you birthday notifications. This app is based on the Fatimid Islamic Hijri calendar (also known as the Mi...
Hijri ANC will help you to calculate the due date and gestational age by Hijri or Gregorian calendar. With our unique app, one touch is all you need to produce comprehensive results that will help you in your conversations with your patients. ...
A comparative calendar between Hijri and Gregorian dates from 1999BC to 3000AD.This app provides the service of listing the comparative dates between the Gregorian and the Hijri calendars. The date conversion method used in this app is the Conjunction method developed in 1972 by Dr. Fadhl N.M...
Hijri Calendar The Hijri Calendar converter is useful for determining the approximate Western equivalent for an Islamic calendar date and can also be used for converting historical Islamic calendar dates into Western calendar dates.This app offers a beautiful user interface with its classic design, colo...