formerly hijri-converter HijriDate is a Python package for converting between Hijri and Gregorian dates using the Umm al-Qura calendar. The package has been thoroughly verified and tested against original references to ensure its accuracy and reliability. It has an intuitive design, allows rich compa...
针对您提出的问题,关于使用hijri_converter库将伊斯兰历1311年转换为公历时遇到的“date out of range”错误,以下是我根据给出的提示进行的分点回答: 确认hijri_converter库是否支持所输入的伊斯兰历年份(1311年): 通常,不同的库对于日期范围的支持会有所不同。首先,您应该检查hijri_converter库的官方文档或源代码...