今天在安装完成hhvm以后出现了没法访问的情况,老出现NGINX的502 bad getway,后来发现是hhvm没有启动起来。 Table of Contents HHVM 权限设置: HHVM启动脚本修复: HHVM 权限设置: 查日志发现如下错误: [crit] 2332#0: *681 connect() to unix:/tmp/hhvm.sock failed (13: Permission denied) while connecting to...
添加epel yum源 rpm -Uvh http://mirrors.ustc.edu.cn/fedora/epel/6/x86_64/epel-release-6-8.noarch.rpm 安装hhvm所需要的依赖包 yum -y install libmcrypt-devel glog-devel jemalloc-devel tbb-devel libdwarf-devel mysql-devel \ libxml2-devel libicu-devel pcre-devel gd-devel boost-devel sqlite-...
Cesar Falcao: EDIT: 1500 concurrent users with PHP 5 in the same VPS, 123 ms avg response. WordPress on NGINX + HHVM with Heroku Buildpacks - xyu.io: […] buildpack with nginx and HHVM built in. Much progress have also been made both HHVM and WordPress to make both compatible with eac...