hedge fund 翻译成对冲基金,mutual fund 翻译成中文则为共同基金。(1)美国的 hedge fund 美国的对冲基金也不是一个法律概念。过去,对冲基金发展主要指在公司股权市场中使用复杂的对冲和套利交易技术的,私下的、非注册的投资集合。对冲基金的投资者仅限于成熟富有的个人。随着时间的推移,对冲基金的活动...
与美国的hedge fund非常相似。 但不能把中国的私募完全等同于国外对冲基金,差别地方有:如对冲基金无需...
The Hedge Fund vs. Mutual Fund differences lie in the risk profile of the investment strategies, target demographics, and fee structures.
A hedge fund is also a pooled investment or an alternative investment technique wherein fund managers use many different techniques to earnactive returns. The investors in hedge funds are accredited investors, high net worth individuals (HNIs), insurance firms, pension funds, and more. Mutual Fu...
hedge fund:采用对冲交易手段的基金称为对冲基金(Hedge Fund),也称避险基金或套期保值基金。 它是投资基金的一种形式,意为“风险对冲过的基金”。对冲基金采用各种交易手段进行对冲、换位、套头、套期来赚取巨额利润。这些概念已经超出了传统的防止风险、保障收益操作范畴。加之发起和设立对冲基金的法律门槛远低于互惠基...
Fundfund 系统标签: hedgefundsmutualfundinvestorsdifference HedgeFundVsMutualFund–ByProf.SimplySimpleHedgefundsarelikemutualfundsinsomeways.Investmentprofessionalsinahedgefundpoolinmoneyfrominvestorstobemanaged-exactlylikethemutualfundsdo.And,subjecttosomeminorrestrictions,investorsinhedgefundscanwithdrawtheirmoneyasthey...
Hedge Funds vs. Mutual FundsHedge funds are both exclusive as well as elusive. They differ from other funds like mutual funds in a large number of ways. In this article, we have listed down the differences between a hedge fund and a mutual fund....
The three largest mutual fund asset managers are: Vanguard, with $5.1 trillion in mutual fund assets4 Fidelity, with $2.6 trillion in mutual fund assets5 BlackRock, with $307 billion in mutual fund assets6 Hedge Funds Hedge funds have the same basic pooled fund structure as mutual funds....