2. Mei,H. & Tu, H. Vitamin C and Helicobacter pylori Infection: Current Knowledgeand Future Prospects.Front Physiol9, 1103 (2018). 3. Aditi,A. & Graham, D. Y. Vitamin C, gastritis, and gastric disease: a historicalreview and u...
2) Helicobacter pylori infection 幽门螺杆菌感染 1. Study on association of TNF gene polymorphism and Helicobacter pylori infection with gastroduodenal diseases and gastric cancer; 肿瘤坏死因子基因多态性及幽门螺杆菌感染与胃十二指肠疾病及胃癌的相关性研究 2. Epidemiologic study of Helicobacter pylori ...
Provides an overview of the American College of Gastroenterology's recommendations for the diagnosis and treatment of H pylori infection. Principles of testing nuclear dyspepsia; Strategies used in the diagnosis of the disease; Treatment of the disease....
pylori? Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) is a type of bacteria that infects your stomach. It can cause sores and inflammation in the lining of your stomach or the upper part of your small intestine (the duodenum). For some people, an infection can lead to stomach cancer. H. pylori is ...
H pylori infection.H. Pylori InfectionHelicobacter Infections
pylori infection 1994,24,25,Hp感染与相关疾病 3.胃癌: 无直接证据,需进一步深入研究 支持:流行病学资料.动物实验 WHO(1994):Hp是胃Ca发病因子链中重要环节。 Hp若干问题共识意见(中华消化病学会2003): Hp可增加胃Ca发生危险 Hp与肠型和弥漫性胃Ca均有关 (3)胃癌发生是Hp感染,宿主因素和环境因素共同作用 ...
definition was on the basis of CAHPI recorded by general practitioners, exposure misclassification due to symptomatic patients not seeking primary care is possible, as is outcome misclassification. The authors can't rule out the possibility of an association between asymptomaticH pyloriinfection and AD ...
幽门螺杆菌(H.pylori)一﹑历史 Discoveryofspiralorganismsinthestomach Researcher(s)Finding 1893Bizzozero Spirochaetesoncaninegastricmucosa 1906Krienitz Spirochaetesonhumangastriccancer 1939Doenges Spirochaetesonhumangastricglands 1975Steer&Colin-JonesBacteriaonepithelialcellsfrompatientswithgastriculcer 1983Warren...
Malfertheiner, "H. pylori infection is a key risk factor for proximal gastric cancer," Digestive Diseases and Sciences, vol. 55, no. 11, pp. 3124-3131, 2010.Bornschein J,Selgrad M,Warnecke M. Hpylori infection is a key risk factor for proximal gastric cancer[J].Digestive Diseases and...
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