Gurkha Pants(廓尔格裤)是一种腰正面简洁,没有固定腰带裤袢的裤型,腰身左右各有一条调节扣裤袢,连着裤身延伸至腰侧,穿过铜扣固定在腰间上。 廓尔格军裤起源于二战时间英勇善战的廓尔格士兵,后来被英军采用作为军裤,腰头两侧的松紧调节扣酷似两把廓尔格弯刀别在腰间,只需双手左右一拉,便可将裤子牢牢固定在腰上,给...
#高定系列 Gurkha pants-廓尔格裤。一条能让你的腿变长、人变“骚”的完美裤型,腰面简洁,没有固定腰带用的“裤鼻儿”;左右两边各有一根条形调节袢,连着裤身延至腰侧,用一个铜质扣环固定;这是属于西裤的风花雪月。 - 爱喝茶爱高定于20240408发布在抖音,已经收获了2.
战争中廓尔喀刀给予了太多的冷血印象,其实廓尔喀人是热情善良,热爱生活,勤劳勇敢的民族,只是因为在战争中土地受到侵略,才将手中农耕的弯刀化作杀敌的利器。 接下来同样出自廓尔喀,复古爱好者们最熟知的Gurkha pants,之前也有简单介绍过。 它的历史同样来自于战争,在尼泊尔被迫接受战争结束与英国和平相处的模式之后,英国招...
现在国内但凡有点追求的男装“定制”店都会做gurkha pants,价格都不便宜,不过为避免踩雷还是先冲了条rubinacci的。 羊毛/羊绒材质,高腰,阔腿,铜制拌扣固定 细节 上身示意图,大家看一下腰部的结构特写。试尺码随便套了而下,请忽略我皱巴巴的亚麻衬衫。冬天再上全身图。 上几张官图给大家洗洗眼睛 这张裤子结构其...
Product name:Italian double pleated goggle trouser gurkha pants;Keywords:suits pants;Item:men pants;Item name:man pants trousers;Name:man trousers slacks;Key words:gurkha pants trousers;Product:suits pants trousers;Pants style:suit pant gurkha pants trou
while the mid-waist design provides a flattering look for men of all ages. The zipper fly closure offers a secure and easy fastening, making these pants both practical and stylish. With the ability to adapt to various scenarios, from daily wear to more formal events, these pants are a stap...
Design 1. style: pant suit,trousers pants 2. cut: slim fit / regular fit , loose fit 3. collar:notch lapel,Peak lapel,shawl lapel 4. button: one button,two button,three buttons 5. pocket: two pockets,contrast flap, 6. pant: one pleat,two pleats ...
Name Man Gurkha Pants Key Words Custom Gurkha Pant Product Custom Gurkha Pant Trousers Pants Style Mens Gurkha Pant Item Type Handmade Gurkha Pant Trousers Key Word Black Gurkha Pant Trousers Main Product Wool Gurkha Pant Trousers Main Style Cashmere Gurkha Pant Tr...
A garment brimming with military history, theGurkha pantwas made famous by the valiant Nepalese soldiers who served in the British army in the early-to-mid 20th century. And while these pants byFujitomay not make you as fierce or skilful as the esteemed Gurkhas, they’ll certainly bring a...
把裤管的宽度加宽,有了直筒裤或是阔腿裤的雏形。而这样的改良,也得到了亚洲人士的簇拥,毕竟腿不够长的我们在这样的设计之下,身材能够得到较好的美化。面料也有了百花齐放之势,适合秋冬的 GURKHA PANTS 也顺势诞生(一般选用法兰绒、粗花呢面料,也增加了另类的复古质感)。