lyrical poetic style characterized by a blend of modern and traditional images and verse techniques. His best-known lyrical poems are collected inAlcools(1913) andCalligrammes(1918). A friend of many avant-garde artists, including Picasso and Braque, Apollinaire is credited with introducingcubismwith...
CardonneArlyck, Elisabeth
Guillaume Apollinaire啊波利奈尔 法语简介 GuillaumeApollinaire poèteécrivainfrançaiscritiqueetthéoriciend'art • Considérécommel'undespoètesfrançaislesplusimportantsdudébutduxxesiècle,ilestl'auteurdepoèmestelsZone,LaChansondumal-aimé,LePontMirabeau,ayantfaitl'objetdeplusieursadaptationsenchansonaucour...
Guillaume Apollinaire après Alcools 作者:Claude Debon 出版社:Lettres modernes 出版年:1981 页数:186 装帧:Broché ISBN:9782256908095 豆瓣评分 评价人数不足 写笔记 写书评 加入购书单 分享到 + 加入购书单
1909. Guillaume Apollinaire, Alcools.guillaume
No92法國研究(EtudesFrançaises)1ertrim.2014 82 GuillaumeApollinaire,Calligrammes,Poèmesdelapaixetdelaguerre(1913-1916)①:Étudede«LaColombepoignardéeetlejetd’eau»②dansunemiseenperspectivelinguistiqueStéphaneCarlierLecteurdelanguesetlittératures(Wallonie-BruxellesInternational-WBI)【摘要】本文的对象是...
The French poet Guillaume Apollinaire wrote a versified version of the letter ("Réponse des Cosaques Zaporogues au Sultan de Constantinople") as part of his poem "La Chanson du mal-aimé" in his collection of poems Alcools (1913). Vidjevši ovu sliku francuski pjesnik Guillaume Apollin...
3· GuillaumeApollinaire:GedichteausAlcools(1949-1959)3.1.Daten:ZurEntstehungderApollinaire-ÜbersetzungenIn ParissetzteCelanseineUbersetzungstätigkeitfort.WieindenNach-kriegsjahreninBukarest,alseralsLektorundUbersetzerfürdenVerlagCarteaRusägearbeitethatte,wardasUbersetzeninderfranzösischenHauptstadtzunäc...
L'Adieu, which means "The Farewell" in English, was written in 1911 and published in Apollinaire's collection of poems, Alcools, in 1913. The poem is a tribute to his lover, Marie Laurencin, a painter who was also a member of the avant-garde movement. The poem is a reflection of th...
Apollinaire’s Notes to the Bestiary Index of First Lines The Mirabeau Bridge (Alcools: Le Pont Mirabeau) Under the Mirabeau flows the Seine And our amours Shall I remember it again Joy always followed after Pain Comes the night sounds the hour The...