The Guiding Light:The Longest-Running Daytime Drama on Television Created by Irma Phillips,the longest running daytime serial in the history of television came to end on September 18, 2009,after more than 72 years on the air,and ending with an astounding 15,762 episodes. This dramatic series ...
Guiding Light Image courtesy Proctor & Gamble. « Previous Post Next Post » Subscribe I will never understand how a show like Guiding Light gets canceled after 72 years and almost 16,000 episodes so much history so much time Guiding Light was always able to adapt since it only started ...
And so I just think that my spirituality has been a guiding light in my life and my strength, really, in my creative energy. And my spiritual energy has really been a great force to keep me going all these years and still being productive." DOLLY PARTON HONORED FOR HER MANY YEARS OF ...
A“drive carefully” billboard in Chongqing mimicking Ma’s famous quote: “The red light is short. The future is long. We should cherish the life we have.” Why It Matters: As China opens up, the traditional notion of marriage is being reconsidered. It is an age of ...