GT studio, where our interns and developers share their insights, experiences, and the latest in tech. Get ready for a journey through innovation and expertise!
福特Performance已为其限量版福特GT Studio Collection的第一版拉开了序幕,该车型将限量40辆 受到福特GT40 Mk II的启发,宣布新的福特GT Heritage Edition(50辆)六个月后,该汽车在1966年由Ken Miles和Lloyd Ruby赢得了Daytona的24小时耐力赛,今天,蓝色椭圆形赛车的制造商揭晓了第一款福特GT Studio系列的新车。 与负...
50多年过去了,福特为了致敬当年福特GT40在1966年勒芒赛夺得冠军,官方发布了福特GT Heritage Edition与福特GT Studio Collection两款限量版车型的官图。其中,福特GT Studio Collection版本将限量40台。外观方面,福特GT Heritage Edition车型采用了当年GT40的涂装,车身喷有98号的圆形图案,并且左右两侧的车门采用的是非...
GT estudios Recording Studio Services Search GT studios Featured Posted onApril 20, 2013 GTStudiosoffers a comfortable andcreative recording environmentin the setting of a commercialstudiolocatedEast of Downtown Los Angeles. Not only are we a fullservice recording studio, but we canproduceyoursongs...
GT studio, where our interns and developers share their insights, experiences, and the latest in tech. Get ready for a journey through innovation and expertise!
50多年过去了,福特为了致敬当年福特GT40在1966年勒芒赛夺得冠军,官方发布了福特GT Heritage Edition与福特GT Studio Collection两款限量版车型的官图。其中,福特GT Studio Collection版本将限量40台。 外观方面,福特GT Heritage Edition车型采用了当年GT40的涂装,车身喷有98号的圆形图案,并且左右两侧的车门采用的是非对...
–Morgan Ryan, Editor, E.O. Wilson’s “Life on Earth” Series, Editorial Director at Amplifire, Inc. ” Gretchen Throop Williams Boulder, CO 303.443.6446 All Photos © 2023Gretchen Troop Photography
Architects: Studio GT Area: 843 m² Year: 2010 Photographs:Denílson Machado Text description provided by the architects. Perfect for the leisure time of a large family, this house in Londrina, Brazil seems like its floating in the air. That is due to the volumetry and the large spans ...
realme Design Studio 携手国际著名潮流设计师 Jae Jung,将都市户外风格引入手机行业,共创兼具美学与功能性的平衡,符合都市户外的潮流生活方式的手机设计,让你时刻想起户外探索的快活时光。 以硬箱为灵感 经典风潮,当代新呈 百年来,无数的旅行者带着硬箱出发,高级的皮革面料,硬朗的直角造型,稳固的铆钉设计,逐渐成为「...