align_corners:对齐方式,默认为False,本文也会重点讲解。 首先时是align_corners为True的情况,正如大佬的链接里面说的一样,图像的像素点既可以看成点和可以看成格子,align_corners为True时,像素点看成格子,归一化坐标(-1.0,-1.0)就表示输入图像坐标的(0,0)像素点,同理(1.0,1.0)就表示输入图像(W_in - 1, H...
It is said pytorch devs are going to change the default behavior of grid_sample() in pytorch v1.4.0: from align_corners=True to align_corners=False Here is the link: What do ...
至于align_corners这个参数,一般和插值方式mode搭配使用,表示在插值时像素的对齐方式,有两种选择,分别是True和False。如果把一个像素点看做一个正方形的话,True表示角像素点位于对应正方形的中心。False表示角像素点位于对应正方形的角点坐标。笔者目前只研究明白了align_corner=True的含义。 六、参考文献 grid_sample(...
当align_corner为True时,原来的[-1,1]映射为[0, size - 1]。False则将[-1, 1] to [-0.5, size - 0.5]。具体代码如下 scalar_t grid_sampler_unnormalize(scalar_t coord, int size, bool align_corners) { if (align_corners) { // unnormalize coord from [-1, 1] to [0, size - 1] r...
iz = grid_sampler_compute_source_index(iz, inp_D, padding_mode, align_corners); if (interpolation_mode == GridSamplerInterpolation::Bilinear) { // get corner pixel values from (x, y, z) @@ -274,7 +174,8 @@ namespace { grid_sampler_3d_backward_cpu_impl(const Tensor& grad_output...
[-1,-1, -0.5,-0.5, 0,0, 0.5,0.5, 1,1]).reshape(1, 1, 5, 2)).float() out = F.grid_sample(input_arr, indices, align_corners = False) print(out) # correct way ((-1,-1) is the top left corner of the top left pixel, (1,1) is the bottom right coner of the bottom...
align_corners Controls how corner pixels are evaluated. interpolation_mode Controls what kind of interpolation is used: NEAREST Nearest interpolation. LINEAR Bilinear interpolation. CUBIC Bicubic interpolation.Inputs input: tensor of type T1 grid: tensor of type T1Outputs...
align_corners = False, mode = 'bilinear', padding_mode = 'zero'. For gird coordinates (-1,-1), I can understand that the value(-4.74179) is sampled from 4 values on the top-left corner with 3 of them being the padded '0's and 1 of them being the value '-18.96716'...
align_corners Controls how corner pixels are evaluated. interpolation_mode Controls what kind of interpolation is used: NEAREST Nearest interpolation. LINEAR Bilinear interpolation. CUBIC Bicubic interpolation.Inputs input: tensor of type T1 grid: tensor of type T1Outputs...
FILLOut-of-bound grid locations are assigned to 0. CLAMPOut-of-bound grid locations are assigned the nearest border value. REFLECTOut-of-bound grid locations are reflected by the input’s borders until becoming inbounds. align_cornersControls how corner pixels are evaluated. ...