Desmos图形计算器:Desmos Graphing Calculator中还拥有快速强大的数学引擎,可立刻绘制出任何公式的图形。Desmos图形计算器:Desmos Graphing Calculator软件功能点击感兴趣的灰色点以查看其坐标。Desmos图形计算器:Desmos Graphing Calculator最新版Desmos图形计算器:Desmos Graphing Calculator最新版是款专为数学爱好者设计的数学研...
使用速度飞快且性能强大的Desmos图形计算器探索数学。从直线到抛物线,再到导数和傅立叶级数,任何方程式都能出图。添加滑块以演示函数的转换、创建表格以输入数据并作图、制作动态图表,还有更多功能等着你——最重要的是,所有这一切都是免费的! 功能: 绘图:绘制极坐
下载请到各大应用商店搜索「Desmos Graphing Calculator」。1.主要界面(1)调节如图所示,应用的右上角点击“🔧”可以调节页面。「Projector Mode」可以使显示的函数线条更粗,颜色变深;「Grid」可以切换网格类型(方格或雷达);勾选「Arrow」可以使 x 轴或 y 轴带有箭头;勾选「Minor Gridline」可以显示比xy 轴颜色...
Desmos is a versatile and user-friendly graphing calculator that offers powerful features for visualizing mathematical concepts. Its intuitive interface, interactive capabilities, and extensive functionality make it a valuable tool for students, educators, and professionals alike. With its accessibility and ...
Desmos图形计算器:Desmos Graphing Calculator6.4.1.0 最新版 版本: 最新版 软件授权:共享软件 软件大小:3.31M 软件语言:简体 应用平台:android 更新时间:2022-02-08 安全无毒无插件 基本简介 Desmos图形计算器:Desmos Graphing Calculator最新版 Desmos图形计算器:Desmos Graphing Calculator最新版是款专为数学爱好...
Desmos Graphing Calculator is a free Education App for Chrome. You could download the latest version crx file and install it. Also Desmos Graphing Calculator is included in the following topics: 1. Back to School 2. Extensions for College Study 3. Essential Learning Extensions...
科学计算器:只需输入你希望求解的任意方程,Desmos就能显示结果。它可以处理平方根、对数、绝对值,等等。 不等式:根据笛卡尔坐标或极坐标不等式作图。 无障碍功能:使用屏幕阅读器或可刷新的盲文显示器阅读和编辑数学,以及使用音频跟踪功能來通过声音探索图表和数据。
At Desmos, we imagine a world of universal math literacy and envision a world where math is accessible and enjoyable for all students. We believe the key is learning by doing. At Desmos, we