good faith (bona fides) a requirement in the law, importing an absence of bad faith (mala fides) more than anything, that can be treated as equivalent to ‘honestly and decently’. It is imbedded in civilian legal systems but is of lesser significance in the Anglo-American system. Collins...
网络善尽诚信努力;努力执行 网络释义 1. 善尽诚信努力 119 此意味着董事已善尽诚信努力(good-faith effort).|基于2个网页 2. 努力执行 ...SC的经验,我们向董事会提报,只要学校能够呈现出其努力执行(good-faith effort)学生学习成效评估的事证(evidence)… ...
Good Faith EffortMellor, Carl
Legal Financial good faith n. The sincere intention to be honest and law-abiding, as when negotiating a contract:bargained in good faith. [Translation of Latinbona fīdēs:bona, feminine singular ofbonus,good+fīdēs,faith, honesty.] American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth...
good faith effort 有诚意的努力 双语例句 I made a good faith effort to implement my understanding of that advice, and it was done in order to take responsibility for settling an issue that I believed had potential to harm the institution.我做出了诚实的努力来实施我对这个建议的理解,...
good faith effort有诚意的努力 双语例句 I made a good faith effort to implement my understanding of that advice, and it was done in order to take responsibility for settling an issue that I believed had potential to harm the institution.我做出了诚实的努力来实施我对这个建议的理解,这样做是为了...
Define Good faith estimate. Good faith estimate synonyms, Good faith estimate pronunciation, Good faith estimate translation, English dictionary definition of Good faith estimate. abbr. government-furnished equipment American Heritage® Dictionary of t
stated thattheprincipleofgood faithimplies making every effort to reach an agreement, [...] 根據結社自由委員會,秉誠行事的原則是指全力逹 成協議,進行真誠及有建設 性的磋商,避免無理的 誤, 遵從已逹成的協議,以及秉誠落實這些協議,並 且承認 具 代表性 的工...
Good Faith Effort means efforts to achieve a DBE goal or other requirement of this Special Provision which, by their scope, intensity, and appropriateness to the objective, can reasonably be expected to fulfill the program requirement. good faith means that degree of diligence which a reasonable ...