labeloptionalstringMailbox Label (folder) to be polled ingest_manneroptionalstringHow to ingest first_run_max_emailsoptionalnumericMaximum Containers for scheduled polling first time max_containersoptionalnumericMaximum Containers for scheduled polling ...
The Mailbox app, which lets you swipe and tap your way through your email, getting to “inbox zero” easily several times a day whilst turning your mail account into a kind of super-handy to-do list, will now search your entire Gmail archive. And that’s not all. First, the oth...
New Seasons Market) have random hunks of cheese, that are essentially odd shaped end pieces, thrown into a basket near the cheese area. This is where you find those ridiculous $39.99/lb options. All you need is a tiny sliver to enjoy. Can you imagine getting normal size blocks varying fr...
to a Gmail account by upgrading to the company's paid Google Apps service. Google Apps for Business starts at $5 per user, per month, or $50 per user, per year, and increases a Gmail inbox size to 25 gigabytes, in addition to allowing push email support with third-party ...
A simple Node.js Gmail client which checks/returns email message(s) straight from any Gmail-powered account (both private and company). There are two main functionalities this library provides: check_inbox(): Polls a mailbox for a given amount of time. At the end of the operation, the de...
Outlook - Flags not updating on shared mailbox Outlook - Mark as Complete Not Available Outlook - Meeting Notification Outlook - paper size is not valid. Check the width and height under paper Outlook - Sent emails keeps a copy in Drafts folder Outlook - Sort by Subject and Date of initi...
googleMailExporter = new GoogleMailExporter(googleCredentialFactory, gmail); when(gmail.users()).thenReturn(users); when(users.messages()).thenReturn(messages); when(messages.list(Matchers.anyString())).thenReturn(messageListRequest); when(messageListRequest.setMaxResults(Matchers.anyLong())).thenRe...
这是SMTP协议本身定义的。 所以协议钓鱼邮件就可以伪称来自某某MTA发送钓鱼邮件;
Using DB Mail, you no longer have to configure a mailbox on your machine, and you certainly do not need to run the SQL Server or the SQL Server Agent under the account you want to send emails from. Moreover, you can have multiple mai...