抵达奥林匹克公园旁的新南威尔士州立体育中心时,泊车位已满,观众入口也排起了长龙。 这是我第一次参加这么大型的空手道比赛。 9:00am Competitor Check-in 参赛者登记 尾随着其他参赛选手进入了登记休息室——休息室和学校的大厅差不多大小,里面挤满了约摸上千个人。英国队聚集在一起,清晰可见的是中央的选手戴着...
On the weekend of August 4-7 2017, GKR Karate held the 9th GKR Karate World Cup at the Coomera Indoor Sports Centre on the Gold Coast. The biannual World Cup is the highlight of the GKR tournament calendar and this event was even more special as the GKR Karate family attempted to set...