ggshield 保密扫描更新 最近增加的ggshield secret scan changes命令可以让你更轻松地在即将合并或重新定位到默认分支(通常为main分支,通向生产环境)的分支中查找秘密。 遵循.gitignore中的扫描路径 虽然ggshield 可以扫描整个仓库,包括所有提交和分支,但更常用的一个命令是ggshield secret scan path,它只查看你扫描文...
Diff: GitGuardian/ggshield@refs/tags/v1.31.0...v1.32.0 Changelog: Description of changes Things done Built on platform(s) x86_6...
GITGUARDIAN_MAX_COMMITS_FOR_HOOK: If set to an int,ggshield secret scan pre-receiveandggshield secret scan pre-pushwill not scan more than the specified value of commits in a single scan. GITGUARDIAN_CRASH_LOG: If set to True, ggshield will display a full traceback when crashing. On-pre...
ggshieldis a CLI application that runs in your local environment or in a CI environment to help you detect more than 400+ types of secrets, as well as other potential security vulnerabilities or policy breaks affecting your codebase.
Husky pre-commit hook是一个shell脚本,名为.husky/pre-commit。要在现有hook中添加ggshield,请打开....
- hook id: ggshield - exit code: 1 Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/steve/.cache/pre-commit/repol8_kb04j/py_env-python3/bin/ggshield", line 8, in <module> sys.exit(cli_wrapper()) File "/home/steve/.cache/pre-commit/repol8_kb04j/py_env-python3/lib/python3.9...
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分享一下 100多..分享一下 100多个NVIDIA安卓大型游戏,居居、不确定性、半条命2、光与影、GG全家桶等等 shield TV 安装wii&NGC海豚🐬模拟器(英文版两个汉化版可独立安装),免费玩新超级
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