Panel Market 是面板市场,简单理解就是屏幕市场(你的手机电视电脑屏幕)modern channel 和tradi(tional) channel 是现代渠道和传统渠道 Mio sales value 是以million为单位计算的销售金额 楼下的回答有误
1、(Total)Panelmarket:全部核心市场,指报告覆盖的范围(一般前面都有**region 字样),Gfk数据一般取的是有pos机或其他对接系统的数据,不能取到全部市场的所有数据; 2、LC:Local currency,当地货币,值计价单位 3、Units,value:销量,销额; 4、PY:previous year ,指同口径同比,也有的用YoY表示;同理,MoM表达的意...
At Consumer Panel Services GfK, a former GfK company, and now a part of YouGov Group, we help you stay ahead of trends and rapidly changing shopper behavior
The article reports on the launch of a new product by GFK AG that provides pharmaceutical marketers access and query to a panel of managed market workers in the U.S. It states that the panels are comprised of ...
Our shopper research experts combine Consumer Panel GfK data with numerous other primary sources and analysis to fully understand the purchase journey experience. Armed with this insight, you can influence purchasing decisions during any and all phases of the product lifecycle—in store and online. Fo...
The GfK What I Say and Do panel is also known as the WISAD panel. Unfortunately, WISAD panel is no longer operational. Click the button to discover survey panels that are running and are actively looking for new members! » Find top rated survey sites Joining At the beginning of the ...
GfK的 Consumer Panel 助你在评估产品生命周期的任何影响购物者的购买决策,并提供商品类别消费及用户消费商品关分析,助你拓展业务。立即了解。
This panel is made up of thousands of people across Great Britain. Members provide their insights on a large range of topics such as mobile phones and game downloads. The information gathered is used for making current and new products better! The GfK What I Say and Do panel is also known...
据GfK调查,2012年平板电脑在香港有44%的成长,销售达190万台。 1月16日至21日,这项名为iPanel的研究对317位年龄介于18岁到65岁之间的平板电脑用户进行了在线调查。 49%的受访者表示,他们是一边使用平板,一边使用其他媒体终端,包括看电视。45%的受访者表示会在用餐或通勤时使用平板,43%的人则在出行途中浏...