1080p, and 2K. Requirements to game at these resolutions are significantly lower than the PC version of PUBG, but we’d still recommend erring on the lower side if you value fps. Speaking of which, you can choose the target fps in the settings as well, from 30 to 90fps. ...
移动竞技游戏是海外模拟器市场增长的主要驱动因素之一。包括《PUBG Mobile》、《COD Mobile》在内的竞技手游不仅在发达市场收获了大量活跃用户,也打开了南美、南亚等市场。移动竞技游戏全球发行推动海外模拟器用户迅速增加。 而具体从模拟器的厂商上看,以GameLoop(腾讯手游助手)、LD Player(雷电模拟器)、NOX Player(夜神...
Gaming Buddy Gameloop by Tencent for Windows who are also the developers of PUBG created the emulator specifically catered towards the game. The Gaming Buddy is able to handle the PUBG mobile and is well optimised to run even on low-end Windows PC. Though there is a PC version of PUBG, i...