for a certain length of time, to mean a certain and specific thing, it becomes a word, whether we like it or not. And there is no question thatirregardlessmeets the criteria for inclusion in a dictionary of general English usage. Although it has long been thought to have originated in t...
for a certain length of time, to mean a certain and specific thing, it becomes a word, whether we like it or not. And there is no question thatirregardlessmeets the criteria for inclusion in a dictionary of general English usage. Although it has long been thought to have originated in t...
The wordfunprobably originated as a dialect pronunciation of Middle Englishfon, which as an adjective meant “foolish” and as a noun meant “fool.” The Middle English verbfonnenmeant “to be foolish, to be infatuated.” By the 1680s,funcould be used as a verb meaning “to cheat, to ...
a、1和1b、1和0c、0和1d、0和0 免费查看参考答案及解析 题目: 在word中,___的作用是决定在屏幕上显示文本内容。a、滚动条b、控制框c、标尺d、最大化按钮 免费查看参考答案及解析 题目: 3、操作系统的主要功能包括下列()几个方面。1设备管理2存储管理3处理器管理4作业管理 免费查看参考答案及解析...
*Fun* is a noun; it has always been a noun. And a noun can’t be given the -er, -est...
This is beginning to change, as the one-word forms have gained ground in recent decades and have even worked their way into edited writing, but there is still a long way to go. For now, the fact remains that funner and funnest are, erroneously or not, still considered unacceptable by ...
题目The simple word "fun" only has one syllable(音节),so you'd think you'd add "er" or "est" on it to create comparatives or superlatives.But if you were to say "I think Magic Kingdom is a funner park than Epcot. "or "Fantasy World was the funnest vacati...
@yonhaneul sorry but this is incorrect. Funnier is the comparative of Funny. Fun is a different word and does not change.
For example. I still can't think of a word that ends in a consonant. "Feather". No. That's not -- it's a noun; I can't use that. Okay. It'll come to me. I'll put it on the comments on www.en...