FTP Backup Plans We offer FTP Backup plans for anyone that uses FreePBX. Maintaining a series of separate backups for your FreePBX ensures that your server will be back up and running in no time should the server fail or become unusable. In the event of a corrupted server, having a ...
we also have the ability to limit the bandwidth used for the transfer. This allows you to make FTP uploads without taking up all the internet bandwidth, such as limiting the transfer speed at only 30 or 60 KB/s. The FTP backup can also be scheduled to be performed in specific days and...
CopyFTPFile[TempDir]\Backup.Zip,[ComputerName].Zip,ftpuser,79dOu1Mu5dcNCMMWnIA64A== End If DeleteFile[TempDir]\Backup.Zip End If Cancellation SyncFTPFile with cancel button SyncFTPFile without cancel button
SFTPGo是一款功能齐全且高度可配置的 SFTP 服务器,具有可选的 HTTP/S、FTP/S 和 WebDAV 支持。支持多个存储后端:本地文件系统、加密的本地文件系统、S3(兼容)对象存储、谷歌云存储、Azure Blob 存储、SFTP。通过 SFTPGo,你可以搭建基于 HTTP/S,FTP/S,WebDAV 的 SFTP 文件协议的云存储服务器,并且你在创建用户的...
Auto Backup Softwareis an easy-to-use program designed to automatically backup your critical data to a local disk, the Network neighborhood or remote FTP servers. Backups & restores are amazingly simple. You can create multiple tasks to backup your data. You can use Auto Backup Software to ...
150 Opening ASCII mode data connectionfordirectory list. 226 Transfer complete. ftp: 发送 932 字节,用时 0.20秒 4.73千字节/秒。 ftp> ftp> (8)在设备上确认上传的backup.cfg文件是否成功。如果设备上存在backup.cfg文件,且文件大小正确则认为恢复配置文件成功。
STOU <filename>上传文件到服务器(不覆盖同名文件) ACCT<account> 系统优先级 DELETE <filename>删除服务器上指定文件 RMD <directory> 在服务器上删除指定目录 MKD <directory> 在服务器上建立指定目录 QUIT 从ftp服务器退出登录 常用响应码(从ftp登录到退出过程): ...
. In the Advanced editions you can make database backups on cloud, like for example SQL Server backup to Azure Storage, MySQL backup to Dropbox or Amazon S3, in a fully automated way. The numerous options allow to highly customize your backup jobs, to make online backups always with the...
URI POST /v3/{project_id}/backups/{backup_id}/restore 表1 路径参数 参数 是否必选 参数类型 描述 backup_id 是 String 备份id project_id 来自:帮助中心 查看更多 → 创建备份 Backup Destination:备份的目标路径。默认的备份目标路径为配置时的路径,为“/hana/backup”。 对于文件备份,请确保备份...
This user must have permission to perform backups to the FTP server. This user's login and password will be entered on the MSS Remote connection web page. B. Setup on the MSS 1. Go to "Remote Storage Configuration". 2. Add the host name or IP address of the Windows 2003 server. ...