打了几个小时来说一下。 先总结一下:十分优秀的策略游戏,只有战斗和配置,非常爽快,策略度较高。个人打分可以打满分。 1.优秀的gameplay设计:每场… 【深入浅出SSD】一文聊聊固态硬盘SSD核心技术之一的FTL 存储印象 电子设备制造业 产品总监 深入浅出SSD系列:长期介绍SSD、PSSD的科普知识与专业知识。敬请关注...
Game Ends The timer runs out, the user is presented with a blurb that obscures the gameplay area The blurb will display how many employees they processed The blurb will also block the actual game field A link to leaderboard will be presented so user can check their scores Leaderboard page...
Analysis: FTL's gameplay has a number of competing influences. Obviously there's a lot of Star Trek in its presentation of a varied galaxy, filled with various species and groups competing for influence, with your ship just a small window into the wider universe. The emphasis on supply manag...
But FTL: Faster Than Light is well worth the money, thanks to its gripping, merciless gameplay and rich depth of content. (This game incorporates the Advanced Edition that PC gamers will be familiar with.) Highly recommended. Some say that video games have got easier since the 1980s. But ...
FTL’s complex strategic gameplay allows you to give orders to your crew, manage ship power distribution, and choose weapon targets in the heat of battle. You will encounter unique alien lifeforms and technology. You can upgrade your ship and unlock new ones with the help of six diverse alie...
- The number of ship designs and layouts has been increased considerably (there are now over 300 unique ships in total) in order to provide more gameplay variety, i.e. in ship-to-ship battles. - New hi-res deep space, planetary, and nebula backgrounds (30,000+ total); overhauled UI,...
Subset Games FTL: Faster Than Light proved to be a hit on the PC, with its massive replayability, intelligently-designed gameplay and minimalist interface, and those same qualities are what make it a success on iOS as well. FTL may not be flashy, but for those who aren't too shallow to...
A space-combat experience of remarkable depth, FTL's elegant, interlocking gameplay systems generate moments of remarkable tension and reward. As your vessel leapfrogs between galaxies, you’ll manage a crew, extinguish engine-room fires, target enemy shield generators with energy weapons, and equip...
Rewarding gameplay, great controls and fun story! Check it out! Jos1pReview date: 20.12.2020 thumb_up0 thumb_down0 User bought FTL: Faster than Light EN Global from: CLEPSYDRA FTL is just one of those Unique games that you can't say anything bad about. It is so simple but allows ...
The customization’s and gameplay mechanics are a great in my opinion, you have a lot of options for ship upgrades from the systems to the equipment/drones you use. The crew members also raise their stats as well during your journey when battling so you will earn benefits as their expertise...