但终端出口星系以外的L-星门所在星系之间并非相邻星系,因为通过L-星门进行超光速航行必须先进入终端出口星系。 因此帝国境内的L星门通常也会成为其他帝国突袭腹地的目标。不过相较于虫洞,只要占领终端出口星系并部署防御力量,L-星门更易于防守。尽可能提高交战距离,就能在敌对舰队进入星系的一瞬间与其交战,从而阻止其通过L...
FTL: Faster Than Light Wiki 418 pages Explore Ships • Equipment • Crew Sectors • Events • Stores Game Mechanics Other Home View source FTL: Faster Than Light is a space role-playing game with roguelike elements developed by Subset Games. The player controls a spacecraft with...
FTL: Faster Than Light Wiki 418 pages Explore Ships • Equipment • Crew Sectors • Events • Stores Game Mechanics Other in: Systems Systems Edit Systems are equipment that provides your ship with capabilities; they need reactor power to function. Each system occupies one room. ...
The soundtrack of the game was composed by Ben Prunty and was released on Bandcamp on September 14th, 2012. Most tracks come in two parts, one for exploration and one for battle, the game crossfading between the two depending on the situation. The additi
The name Shivan combined with the color scheme of Layout B is a reference to an alien race of the same name in the game Descent: Freespace. The name Tektite refers to a type of naturally-formed glass that results from meteorite impacts. ...
FTL:SUPREMACY aspires to fine-tune and expand FTL to be even more fun, to intensify and extend the experience while staying true to the game's excellent original concept, style, canon, and lore. The mod offers you a comprehensively overhauled and meticul
http://kuai.xunlei.com/d/MDWZRQCGIFXT PS:再推荐下该游戏英文的wiki http://ftl.wikia.com/wiki...
Japanese: "Localizing into Japanese"- via https://seesaawiki.jp ENGLISH: Translating completed. With the update to AdvancedEdition (1.5.4), additional significant text changes have been made. Spanish: "Faster Than Light (Ed. Avanzada) Mod en español"- Tonxabar & Maverik ...
Start FTL: Faster Than Light; start a new game or continue an existing one. Now start FTLAV. If it's your first time it will ask where your FTL data is located. After this, click Open and select the file continue.sav. This file contains all information regarding your current run. If...
A "mod" (short for "modification") is a fan-made alteration to a game which allows it to look and act different than the original. In the case of FTL, the community has created a number of mods, ranging from redesigns of the game's art all the way to mods which create brand new...