必应词典为您提供frithjof-schuon的释义,网络释义: 舒昂;弗里斯约夫·斯楚翁;苏安;
The intention of the essay is to present the personality of one of the greatest presenters of universal and eternal divine truths in recent times, in a world alienated from both Truth and God - Frithjof Schuon. He was born to a family of German descent. His father, P...
Véritable somme métaphysique, chef-d'oeuvre d'équilibre et de nuances, l'oeuvre écrite de Frithjof Schuon est l'expression même de la puissance de son génie didactique. Par son objectivité et sa rigueur, elle est une réponse aux interrogations de l'homme actuel qui se retrouve ...
the paragon of our time. I know of no living thinker who begins to rival him.”—Huston Smith, University ofCalifornia, Berkeley “The writings of Frithjof Schuon are charac-terized by essentiality, universality and comprehen-siveness. They have the quality of essentiality in the sense ...
1 The first thing to stress about Schuon's answer to this question is that it requires no diminu颅 tion in our convictions as to the stature of Christ. Unlike certain modernist theologians, who in the interest of fostering harmony among the religions are prepared to jettison the Incarnation ...
宗教书籍Frithjof Schuon 的逻辑与超越内容包含原名:Logic and Transcendence by Frithjof Schuon 作品简介:苏菲主义:面纱与精髓。摘自《诗选》(双语版)《逻辑与超越》文选新译。...,国外经典名著电子书大全,pdf电子书下载网,古典唯美书库
The intention of the essay is to present the personality of one of the greatest presenters of universal and eternal divine truths in recent times, in a world alienated from both Truth and God - Frithjof Schuon. He was born to a family of German descent. His father, Paul Schuon, a ...
we have just spoken. In this connection, we must againDivine Source
Travel MeditationsStudies in Comparative Religion
As a possible solution to this problem of religious pluralism, Frithjof Schuon and S. H. Nasr are proposing a traditional approach to the study of religious phenomenon as a unique perspective within the philosophy of religion. Viewed from within this perspective each religion is the Religion and ...