Product Features: This essence provides 24hr antioxidant protection from the effects of blue light while boosting luminosity and reducing the look of pores and fine lines. Capacity: 150ml Terms & ConditionsExplore Other Products New Arrival Health & Beauty Thomson Blood Pressure Monit...
“2008年 Fresh深受红茶酵素的启发,推出红茶抗皱紧致系列红茶抗皱紧致修护面膜连续两年蝉联Allure杂志美妆大奖。”而这次众测的红茶紧致盈透精华液BLACK TEA KOMBUCHA FACIAL TREATMENT ESSENCE,是开发的新品。 关于此次评测 收到申请成功的短信是1月24日 能从四千多人中,约千分之四的比例选出来,再次感谢张大妈、感谢厂商...
Kombucha Essence is scientifically proven to deeply penetrate 20+ layers into the skin’s surface*. This allows the formula to deliver +42% immediate hydration* while preparing skin to absorb the next step more efficiently. Ultimately, this boosts your skincare routine. *instrumental...
Kombucha Facial Treatment Essence Fresh的红茶酵母酵萃精华液大瓶,磨砂质感的大瓶充满着挥之不去的高级感。打开后可以闻到味道淡淡的茶香味,很天然、令人舒服放松的味道。这款精华水上脸后随着轻轻的拍打吸收很快,完全不会有黏腻的感觉,使用后连毛孔都透露着清爽。
Kombucha Facial Treatment Essence visibly improves skin's texture, clarity and luminosity. This collaboration with artist Juno Shen highlights the power of antioxidants in Kombucha Essence by connecting the concept of light with luminous skin - available
快闪店设计如同一个蓝色礼盒,凸显了品牌产品作为赠礼的吸引力,并重点展示红茶凝时焕活精华眼霜、红茶凝时焕活面霜(Black Tea Advanced Age Renewal Face Cream)、红茶酵素抗氧精华水(Kombucha Facial Treatment Essence)三款主打产品。...
Skincare: Kombucha Facial Treatment Essence - Essences & Serums 150ml | Fresh Beauty 超值好货。最新爆款商品折扣 红茶精粹水 250ml $59.00 北美省钱快报抢好货, 每日必抢都在这里
Skincare: Kombucha Facial Treatment Essence - Essences & Serums 150ml | Fresh Beauty 超值好货。最新爆款商品折扣 红茶精粹水 150ml $82.00 北美省钱快报抢好货, 每日必抢都在这里
20ml Kombucha Antioxidant Facial Treatment Essence 红茶酵素抗氧精华水:以红茶发酵而成的 Kombucha (红茶酵素) 作为核心成分,水凝丝滑的质感为肌肤带来水润亮泽。 浓缩成分带来最显着的强效抗污染及抗氧化保护,抗衡皮肤老化! 5ml Tea Elixir Skin Resilience Activating Serum 火山茶精华以毛里求斯火山茶中的高浓珍萃...