早在2020年4月上旬长安福特便已经正式对外预告中国版《Ford Explorer》将会换上符合市场消费者喜好的霸气车头造型以及车内12.8寸大型触摸屏并于2020年6月正式上市。经过了两个多月的等待,日前长安福特终于也正式发表了中国版《Ford Explorer》,运动风格的《Ford Explorer ST-Line》车型也终于揭开神秘面纱。有别于过...
2020款福特探索者(Ford Explorer)ST车型是它从福特豪华车部门林肯(Lincoln)借来一辆3.0升的双涡轮增压V-6,并与福特的性能部门合作开发的,它的额定功率为400马力,峰值扭矩为563牛米,它实际上是少数林肯车辆中的发动机,如果你想获得它的话最好就是订购一款2020款福特探索者(Ford Explorer)ST车型。这款车将使用已经搭...
The 2020 Ford Explorer ST applies the Ford Performance badge to its three-row family SUV. A twin-turbocharged V-6 engine with 400 horsepower and numerous chassis tweaks make for an impressive overall package. Read the full story here. Ford The Explorer ST comes standard with all-wheel drive ...
The new 2020 Ford Explorer ST feels like a real high-performance SUV thanks to its powerful V-6 engine and sharp handling.
The 2025 Ford Explorer® ST SUV remains the fastest Explorer® with a 400 hp 3.0L EcoBoost® V6 engine capable of a 143 mph top-end speed. With smooth 10-speed automatic transmission & standard Class III Trailer Tow Package equipped, the ST holds f
The 2025 Ford Explorer® ST-Line SUV boasts stylish ActiveX™ seat material with unique cloth inserts & red stitching. With performance-inspired design, ride on 20-in. machined aluminum wheels with included Active RWD & Active Comfort Package feature
2020 Ford Explorer ST Class: Midsize Crossover SUV Miles driven: 488 Fuel used: 15.8 gallons CG Report Card Room and Comfort B+ Power and Performance A Fit and Finish B+ Fuel Economy C Value B- Report-card grades are derived from a consensus of test-driver evaluations. All grades are ...
Ford Explorer ST 美版福特探险者ST版老韩 播放失败 使用百度APP播放更流畅 探险者@艺术与角度Ford Explorer ST 美版福特探险者ST版老韩车主口碑·当前已有1129人点评探险者立即查看点赞评论分享
2020 Ford Explorer Review TRIM ENGINE TRANSMISSION DRIVETRAIN U625 Base 2.3L Turbo Inline-4 Gas 10-Speed Automatic RWD 4X4 U625 XLT 2.3L Turbo Inline-4 Gas 10-Speed Automatic RWD 4X4 U625 Limited 2.3L Turbo Inline-4 Gas 3.3L Hybrid 10-Speed Automatic RWD 4X4 U625 ST-...
2021款福特探险者 Ford Explorer 2021款福特探险者 Ford Explorer 综合点评:平稳且受控的行驶、货物友好的室内设计、舒适的前排座椅。第三排空间紧张,内饰塑料件,最理想的车型价格昂贵。Explorer是一款功能全面的三排SUV,虽然有一些妥协,但总的来说,在拥挤的细分市场中它是一个不错的选择。运动型 ST 车型配备双涡轮...