【关键词】 鱼骨图; 精神科; 攻击; 原因; 防范Fishbonediagramanalysisonthecausesofviolentattacksofpsychiatricinpatients ZhengShuchuan倡,YangWeiwei. 倡DepartmentofSleepMedicine,MentalHealthCenterofXiamen,Xiamen361012,ChinaCorrespondingauthor:ZhengShuchuan,Email:ZSC2010@163.com【Abstract】 Objective Toinvestigatethe...
The average reader who might confront a fishbone diagram in a systematic review would likely lack training in the diagram usage. Second, the participants of user testing comprised of students who had at least one course in clinical epidemiology and evidence-based medicine. Clinicians and decision-...