Firefly-Serenity Chinese Pinyinary –Detailed information about pretty much every bit of Chinese used in the series and movie. Firefly timeline –A very detailed timeline of everything known about Firefly lore.Tagged movies, tv Categories Anecdotes Meta Progress Resources Tags android bio characters ...
Firefly-Serenity Chinese Pinyinary –Detailed information about pretty much every bit of Chinese used in the series and movie. Firefly timeline –A very detailed timeline of everything known about Firefly lore.Tagged movies, tv Categories Anecdotes Meta Progress Resources Tags android bio characters ...
…The relaunch date, 26th February, is significant in Tolkien lore because 26th February 3019 was the date in the Third Age when the Fellowship of the Ring was broken at Amon Hen and Frodo and Sam set out on their journey to Mordor. The newly launched website,,will exhibi...
It takes long time and still has not finished writing to SD. Not sure if it's right or wrong. (it' just showPARTITIONS OFFSET: 0 sectors.for a long time and stuck in there but my HDD flashing slowly!!! I will wait to see what will happen...) If that works, I stick to this ...