Firefly Lane (Briar County, Book 1) by Riley HartRating: 3.5 starsSmall Town RomanceStrenger-to-friend-to-lover又是一則暖心小故事。嘗試過城市的喧囂,年過不惑又心地善良的Roe決定在家鄉與家人度過餘生。他似乎是這個偏遠小鎮上唯一的同性戀者。雖然有大家庭的陪伴,甚至與閨蜜髮小生了個兒子,但他的內心深...
The writing on the car resulted in enough additional rubbernecking to cause traffic problems, making lane changes difficult for Mike, and causing cars in the passing lane to bunch up behind the gawkers/readers. If ever there was a reason to stick a web address on a vehicle, this was it....
Macmillan: Full Excerpt for Firefly Lane: Books: Kristin HannahKristin HannahMacmillan