prezados, essa e a minha primeira vez aqui no forum. cisco finesse + cisco Jabber estou com o seguinte problema: o service desk da empresa onde o trabalho esta usando o cisco jabber, o supervisor que tambem esta usando o app me informa que não consegui ouvir os técnicos durante o as...
建立UC服務配置檔案(Finesse代理聊天使用者可選,這是Jabber客戶端的標準配置) 步驟1.登入到Cisco Unified Communication Manager管理。 步驟2.導航到使用者管理>使用者設定> UC服務。 步驟3.點選Add New。 步驟4.選擇UC服務型別為IM and Presence。 步驟5.填寫詳細資訊(如圖所示),然後點選Save。
Finesse Tomcat與CUCM中的Cisco Tomcat類似,因為載入網頁的功能相同,但適用於名為Finesse的其他服務。Tomcat是為Finesse而設計的,因為它是一個獨立的Web應用程式。根據11.5之前的版本,您只能登入使用CCX主節點。從11.6開始,只能登入到任何節點(但不推薦),而且只能在故障切換期間登入。因此,如果您考慮WAN集群,其中兩個代理...
\0+username+\0+password format that i would expect with the plain mechanism and the account i am using is one that i can login with to the login server using jabber. i have tried the administration account and similarly it fails. i have also tried "restclient" to send r...
Integrate customer care and communication with Webex, Finesse, CUCM - Bring teams together with modern Cisco collaboration tools including APIs and SDKs for integration with phone, voice, video, customer support and customer care systems.
finesse/api/User/"><event xmlns=""><items node="/finesse/api/User/1001003"><item id="0d78a283-466d-4477-a07e-6e33a856fce388"><notification xmlns="
要连接到媒体,座席可以使用移动和远程访问解决方案(MRA)上的Cisco Jabber或UCCE的移动座席功能与公共交换电话网(PSTN)或移动终端。此图显示了通过单一高可用性(HA)对反向代理节点访问两个Finesse集群和两个CUIC节点时网络部署的外观。 支持从Internet上的代理和从LAN连接的代理进行并发访问,如下...
Solved: Hello, we do see the calling name(custometr name who call in) on the jabber but we dont see that information on finesse. any help much appreciated regards, Kavle
(Desk Phone with Extension Mobility, Desk Phone without Extension Mobility, Jabber, and so on) on the shared Automatic Call Distribution (ACD) lines as your active device while signing in to the Finesse desktop. This informs the solution to ig...
本文檔對WebSocket連線進行了完整說明,以便在進行故障排除時能夠全面瞭解底層過程。 必要條件 需求 本文件沒有特定需求。 元件已使用 本文中的資訊係根據以下軟體和硬體版本: Cisco Finesse UCCX 本文中的資訊是根據特定實驗室環境內的裝置所建立。文中使用到的所有裝置皆從已清除(預設)的組態來啟動。如果您的網路運...